Hi admin,
My project using oralce database and need hangfire to do some background task, but hangfire doesn't work with oracle, please help me an alternative solution in this situation.
Thank you very much!
Hi admin,
I want to authentication asp.net zero web application with custom provider (it's just a services that allow end user input user name and their password and then return true or false), please show me how to do that.
The error throw when function excuted detail like bellow
ERROR 2017-05-09 09:27:45,766 [23 ] nHandling.AbpApiExceptionFilterAttribute - An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details. System.Data.Entity.Core.EntityCommandExecutionException: An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details. ---> Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleException: ORA-12704: character set mismatch at OracleInternal.ServiceObjects.OracleCommandImpl.VerifyExecution(OracleConnectionImpl connectionImpl, Int32& cursorId, Boolean bThrowArrayBindRelatedErrors, OracleException& exceptionForArrayBindDML, Boolean& hasMoreRowsInDB, Boolean bFirstIterationDone) .....
I debuged and found the error occur when execute query but don't know how to fixed this.
1 AS "C1",
"Extent1"."UserId" AS "UserId",
"Extent1"."TenantId" AS "TenantId",
WHEN ("Extent2"."Id" IS NULL) THEN '.'
ELSE "Extent2"."TenancyName"
END AS "C2",
"Extent1"."UserName" AS "UserName",
"Extent1"."LastLoginTime" AS "LastLoginTime"
FROM "AbpUserAccounts" "Extent1"
"Var_32"."Id" AS "Id",
"Var_32"."CustomCssId" AS "CustomCssId",
"Var_32"."LogoId" AS "LogoId",
"Var_32"."LogoFileType" AS "LogoFileType",
"Var_32"."EditionId" AS "EditionId",
"Var_32"."Name" AS "Name",
"Var_32"."TenancyName" AS "TenancyName",
"Var_32"."ConnectionString" AS "ConnectionString",
"Var_32"."IsActive" AS "IsActive",
"Var_32"."IsDeleted" AS "IsDeleted",
"Var_32"."DeleterUserId" AS "DeleterUserId",
"Var_32"."DeletionTime" AS "DeletionTime",
"Var_32"."LastModificationTime" AS "LastModificationTime",
"Var_32"."LastModifierUserId" AS "LastModifierUserId",
"Var_32"."CreationTime" AS "CreationTime",
"Var_32"."CreatorUserId" AS "CreatorUserId"
FROM "AbpTenants" "Var_32"
WHERE ((( CAST( "Var_32"."IsDeleted" AS number(1,0))) = 0))
) "Extent2"
ON ("Extent1"."TenantId" = "Extent2"."Id")
(( (( NOT (("Extent1"."TenantId" = 1)
AND ((CASE WHEN ("Extent1"."TenantId" IS NULL) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = (CASE WHEN (1 IS NULL) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END))))
OR ("Extent1"."UserId" <> 2))
AND ("Extent1"."UserLinkId" IS NOT NULL)
AND (("Extent1"."UserLinkId" = null)
OR (("Extent1"."UserLinkId" IS NULL)
AND (null IS NULL))));
Please help me get rid of this bug, thanks your very much!
Dear Asp.Net Zero Team,
Does asp.net zero working with oracle database, I can't find find MigrationSqlGenerator for oracle managed data access.
I just found the document asp.net zero work with MySql, please provide for me the solution in this situtiation.
Thank you in advance!