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Activities of "aaron"

During the login and authentication processes how so I set AbpSession.TenantId so I do not have to create a unit of work and setting AbpSession.TenantId for the ouw for every call made to the server?

You don't have to. AbpSession returns the TenantId based on the access token.


Actually, your second question is a duplicate of #4382@163b432f-7489-4747-b058-7ef7338da993.

However, the default behaviour is already to return null for tenantId, so it should work without any configuration.


What happens when you login at now?

To disable SignalR without removing it, just remove the FEATURE_SIGNALR constant from all .csproj files, e.g. Web.Mvc.csproj


Go to the site without the subdomain.

Did you include abp.js before GetScripts as done in _Layout.cshtml?

<script src="~/lib/abp-web-resources/Abp/Framework/scripts/abp.js" asp-append-version="true"></script>

Try "MultipleClientsFromOperationId".

I do not know if there is any side effect. Try and you will know. As you already know, ASP.NET Zero does not use that setting.

So, Swagger is able to differentiate between these methods.

NSwag requires some configuration: <a class="postlink" href=""></a>

I think the reason could be that Swagger is not able to differentiate between these methods.

Try running Web.Host project.

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