Duplicate of #4361@aa0c462f-f0a7-42f5-9b22-a95cc6e6b3b3
I have the same issue. You might notice that the min files in *.Web.Mvc\wwwroot\view-resources\Areas\App\Views_Bundles are not updated.
I went to the command line and navigated to the root folder of the *.Web.Mvc project where the gulpfile.js is located, and I ran gulp --prod to minify the production files.
Publish the project and the updated min files should be included.
Thanks for letting us know!
What did you change specifically?
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[/code:34mznxbu] A shortcut is to highlight your code and click on the </> button in the formatting toolbar.
- Perhaps you were figuring out how to use a ContractResolver: <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/aspnet/Mvc/issues/4842">https://github.com/aspnet/Mvc/issues/4842</a>
Only one complex type allowed as argument to a web api controller action. But CreateUser contains more than one!
// UserProxyService : IUserProxyService
CreateUser() { repository.CreateUser(User); }
// IUserRepository
// UserRepository : IUserRepository
CreateUser(User user) { proxy.CreateUser(); }
AppVersionHelper.cs shows the major/minor version, but (i) not the patch version and (ii) you'll probably change this.
You can check the version of your recent downloads.
Can you show the error in Logs.txt?
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You need to login with your GitHub account to access the private repo. You can invite yourself here: <a class="postlink" href="https://aspnetzero.com/LicenseManagement">https://aspnetzero.com/LicenseManagement</a>
Your code sample shows IExampleAppService constructor-injecting itself. I hope you're not actually doing that.
The thing is that the constuctor has some services injected which in turn has some other services injected.
You should use a domain service/manager instead. See detailed answers: Should I be calling an AppService from another AppService?
Related topic: #4335@c2599492-9660-4818-9c17-cadb7209c8ce
Tip: Wrap your code in the following for formatting and readability:
[/code:1yng7j8p] A shortcut is to highlight your code and click on the </> button in the formatting toolbar.