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See this comment about how to leverage on Git.

Can you show relevant code?

#1 The line with UserManager.ConfirmEmailAsync will not work without the using statement above it. It can't find the correct tenanted user.

You need AbpSession.Use if the current user is not in the same tenant as the user whose email you want to confirm.

#2 The line with await UserManager.UpdateAsync(user) doesn't work without the UnitOfWorkManager.Current.SetTenantId using statement above it.

I would have thought that #2 being within the scope of #1 would be ok without the extra using statement. Why do I need to do this?

AbpSession.Use only sets TenantId and UserId in AbpSession. These values are used when you begin a UnitOfWork (UOW). However, since you are already in a UOW, calling AbpSession.Use does not automatically set TenantId in the current UOW.

Abp.MailKit doesn't handle Attachments and Sender yet (see ToMimeMessage used in SendEmail). Related issue:

Without tenant id, if you call OrderItemRepository.GetAll, then cross-tenant Order Items will appear. If you will never access child objects directly, then omitting tenant id is reasonable but unnecessary.

Performance-wise, omitting an 'int' column in a database table would have negligible improvement.


It's not a bug (and you are not false).

This happens because once the application creates tenant and saves changes (to get tenant id), the id is reserved in database. When it later fails and rolls back, the id is no longer available. Subsequent seedings thus use subsequent integers, provided by the database (correctly).

That information only needs to persist for a single request - it's cached because it's used in many view components. Besides, it's always retrieved when it's not available so it doesn't affect ASP.NET Zero's support for cloud and scaling.

Which data specifically?

That doesn't look valid. Can you share an actual project with those files?

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