Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "aaron"

It's in angular/src/assets/abp-web-resources/abp.notify.js.

The message parameter already accepts HTML formatted string:

abp.notify.error('Some fields have <strong>errors.</strong><br/>Please check and try again.');

Oh, desktop notification.

It's in angular/src/app/shared/layout/notifications/UserNotificationHelper.ts.

ASP .NET Zero is using Push and it's not possible to be HTML formatted as per Nickersoft/push.js#35:

According to the official docs, it seems that the body attribute is simply a string that does not resolve any HTML tags. Unfortunately, there is nothing Push itself can do to change this, as its just a robust shim wrapper around the native API calls.

IMultiTenantLocalizationSource is not injected anywhere, so you can't replace its implementation that way.

MultiTenantLocalizationSource is instantiated directly in EnableDbLocalization in LanguageManagementConfig.cs#L40.

You can comment out the following line in your WebCoreModule and instantiate your own implementation.

//Use database for language management

Duplicate of #8925

Hi Robin, it is injected and you could do that.

I would recommend Option 1.2 below.

Option 1: Register custom ILanguageManagementConfig

Seems LanguageManagementConfig has been initialized together with Configuration.Modules before everything else.

Good conjecture. More accurately, ILanguageManagementConfig is instantiated on the first call to Configuration.Modules.Zero().

  • Configuration.Modules.Zero() is first called in YourProjectCoreModule.PreInitialize.
  • ReplaceService only runs in AbpKernalModule.Initialize, before other modules' Initialize.

Therefore, calling ReplaceService for this in YourProjectWebCoreModule.PreInitialize is too late.

Option 1.1: Directly register as default before ILanguageManagementConfig is instantiated

You can directly register CustomLanguageManagementConfig as the default implementation before that first call.

IocManager.IocContainer.Register(                        // Add this
    Component.For<ILanguageManagementConfig>()           // Add this
        .ImplementedBy<CustomLanguageManagementConfig>() // Add this
        .IsDefault()                                     // Add this
);                                                       // Add this

//Declare entity types                                            // Existing code
Configuration.Modules.Zero().EntityTypes.Tenant = typeof(Tenant); // Existing code
Option 1.2: Add service before ILanguageManagementConfig is registered

You can AddSingleton to IServiceCollection in your Web project's ConfigureServices.

services.AddSingleton<ILanguageManagementConfig, CustomLanguageManagementConfig>();

Option 2: Instantiate custom ILanguageManagementConfig without replacing

Is there any concern of calling customized EnableDbLocalization() in this way?

In general, it is not preferable since Configuration.Modules.Zero().LanguageManagement would have the unexpected implementation if used elsewhere — but it's not used elsewhere.

Therefore, in this case, there is no concern.

Try (abp as any):

- abp.libs.sweetAlert.config.error.button = abp.localization.localize('Ok', 'AbpZeroTemplate');
+ (abp as any).libs.sweetAlert.config.error.button = abp.localization.localize('Ok', 'AbpZeroTemplate');

I think your use case of matching exact query parameters is generally not appropriate, but you can achieve it as follows.


- new AppMenuItem('Event_Pools', 'Pages.Main.Event.Management.EventPool', 'flaticon2-next', '/app/main/event/management/event-pool/list', ['/app/main/event/management/event-pool/person/list/{event-pool-id}']),
+ new AppMenuItem('Event_Pools', 'Pages.Main.Event.Management.EventPool', 'flaticon2-next', '/app/main/event/management/event-pool/list', ['/app/main/event/management/event-pool/person/list/{event-pool-id}'], [], null, {}),
  new AppMenuItem('Event_Pools', 'Pages.Main.Event.Management.EventPool', 'flaticon2-next', '/app/main/event/management/event-pool/list', ['/app/main/event/management/event-pool/person/list/{event-pool-id}'], [], null, { eventType: 'Meeting' })


  isMenuItemIsActive(item): boolean {

-     let urlTree = this.router.parseUrl(this.currentRouteUrl.replace(/\/$/, ''));
+     let urlTree = this.router.parseUrl(this.router.url);
      let urlString = '/' + => segment.path).join('/');
      let exactMatch = urlString === item.route.replace(/\/$/, '');
+     if (exactMatch & item.parameters) {
+         const itemParamsKeys = Object.keys(item.parameters);
+         exactMatch = itemParamsKeys.length === Object.keys(urlTree.queryParams).length && itemParamsKeys.every(key => item.parameters[key] === urlTree.queryParams[key]);
+     }
      return exactMatch;

Change .GetAll().ToList() to .GetAllList(), or begin your own unit of work.

Reference: aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate#3946 (comment 430319419)

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