thanks, but domain service in core package which does not have relationship with yourRepository, as that one includes core package.
Then you shouldn't be doing it in domain service.
If I wait till SaveChanges, then its too late. I need to get all those changes myself before SaveChanges is called.
Too late for what? Show code.
Check the error in Logs.txt.
Can you describe your use case?
Correctness is more important than flexibility.
using (var uow = unitOfWorkManager.Begin(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew)) // Add this scope
await repo.InsertAsync(input);
await unitOfWorkManager.Current.SaveChangesAsync();
await uow.CompleteAsync(); // Add this
It's what you use to login to the application.
await repo.InsertAsync(input);
await CurrentUnitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync(); // Add this
@avanekar02 What's your point?
Next time, please ask about completely different issues in separate questions.
Why do you need one more column in AbpTenantNotifications table? Obviously, you can't pass additional parameters to existing functions.
Override (and replace), not modify.
Implement IResultFilter
and replace AbpResultFilter
Override and replace AbpExceptionFilter
There is only one implementation of Event Bus, in ABP: EventBus.cs
If you mean Event Handler, there is: UserFriendCacheSyncronizer.cs
If you mean Background Job, there is: UserCollectedDataPrepareJob.cs
If you mean how to enqueue, there is: ProfileAppService.cs#L143