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Activities of "aaron"

options.InjectOnCompleteJavaScript("/swagger/ui/abp.js"); <- ERROR: SwaggerUi doesn't contain a definition for InjectOnCompleteJavaScript
options.InjectOnCompleteJavaScript("/swagger/ui/on-complete.js"); <- ERROR: SwaggerUi doesn't contain a definition for InjectOnCompleteJavaScript

Those are implemented differently in ASP.NET Zero. Remove those.

options.OperationFilter<SecurityRequirementsOperationFilter>(); <- ERROR: The type or namespace 'SecurityRequirementsOperationFilter' could not be found.

That is not implemented in ASP.NET Zero. Grab that from SecurityRequirementsOperationFilter.cs.


Did you set the application timezone?

PermissionSetting is a setting (or assignment) of a permission. For example, UserPermissionSetting is a setting of a permission for an user.

Your IsExternal flag is permission-specific, not assignment-specific, so extend Permission definition (which is not an entity).

You can implement a DbPerDistrictConnectionStringResolver similar to DbPerTenantConnectionStringResolver, together with a Data Filter similar to tenant filter.

Then, your code would be:

foreach (var district in input)
    using (_unitOfWorkManager.Current.SetDistrictId(district.Id))
        var results = repo.getResults(district);

Yes. Observe that they are injecting modules, or IHostingEnvironment (which is registered by ASP.NET Core).

How can I tell to abp to instantiate one module before others?

By specifying the DependsOn attribute, which you already do.

Instantiating is different from initialising. This is the flow:

  • All modules get instantiated.
  • All modules get pre-initialized.
  • All modules get initialized.
  • All modules get post-initialized.

In each step, the specification of DependsOn is respected. However, dependencies are usually registered during initialization (step 3).

Therefore, you cannot constructor-inject dependencies. You should resolve dependencies from other modules during post-initialization (step 4).

The main problem was as @DavidHarrison realised. After the first Insert, the entity is already tracked. However, it's still not good to perform async Inserts in List<T>.ForEach as @maliming has pointed out.

var assignedTeamUserRoles = input.AssignedTeamUserRoles.Where(n => n.Assigned == "true").ToList();

foreach (var i in assignedTeamUserRoles)
    // await ...

in which case ABP cannot recognise current user and their permission event if user is correctly authenticated with a well-formed JWT token?

In no case, if user is correctly authenticated with a well-formed JWT token.

No, it's a component implemented with jsTree.

Tip: Wrap your code in the following for formatting and readability:


[/code:2iuqdo9h] A shortcut is to highlight your code and click on the </> button in the formatting toolbar.

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