@maliming I didn't try that.. But I am guessing not. I was hoping that you would know where things gone wrong and you could point me the right direction to check it. Any idea where I should be looking at?
When I run abp.localization.values in browser console it says it is not defined. Clearly while upgrading something has messed up. The issue is also on the swagger page
Hi @maliming,
I know you are working on this but this is causing us trouble. There is no way to figure out what permission is required. I tried to hack you suggested in the ticket(change en to en-GB. Then I disabled all languages but en on the ui. This seems working. But the issue is that when you view the permissions you see brackets around [Permissions] any idea how we can use simple text for the permissions title instead of localizated texts?
Hi @mailiming, Any update on this issue?
apb : v8.6.0.0 angular 9 asp.net core 3.1
This is an intermittent bug.
Steps to produce:
1- Change the language to en-GB from dropddown. (this is are default language).
2- Go to >Administration> Languages> and disable en (United States). Leave only en-GB (United Kingdom) enabled and set United Kingdom as default language.
3- Log out and clear all caches. Clear all cookies. and restart app pool. and re-run ng serve if possbile. (Basically completely clean start)
4-Log back in
5- Remove a page permisison for a user( it doesn't matter which page)
6- Login as that user and try to access the page that the user does not have permission.
7- An error message pops up similar to attached screenshot.
Problem: The error popup does not display required permissions as it does in en(United States) language.
Please make sure clear all caches otherwise when you change language from en to en-GB then the error message shows the permisisons fine. The key thing is when en language is disabled a completely clean start then the issue appears.
Hi Musa,
I appriciate your help. I am reading the info from a csv file where there are over 10000 records. I assume you wouldnt want to me to load all data in the memory and deal with that in the memory? The process needs to do the job row by row. Read > check > write and commit. That is the requirement.
In your example If I have entries repeated in the source file then I would have to distinct those too. But Sometimes the row product name can be the same and I don't need to create a new product but I will need to use other columns in that row to add new child properties (ProductItems) in the product.
Can you please let me know how I would initiate the context in the method? That is all I need to know.
I knew you would ask that.. :)
It is nothing to do with the code but I will put an example here.
public Task ImportData()
var productsToImport = await anotherDataSourcerepository.GetAll().AsNoTracking().ToListAsync();
foreach(var productImport in productsToImport)
var existingProduct = _productRepository.GetAll().AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefaultAsync(x=>x.Name == productImport.Name);
var product = new Product(){Name= productImport.Name};
await _productRepository.InsertAsync(product)
await CurrentUnitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync();
If I have 10 products to import finishes in less than a second(instantly). If I have 100 products then this takes over 3 minutes! It doesn't add up. Clearly db context getting bloated as the link suggests with the records and it gets slower and slower.
As the link suggests I would need to re-create the db context in the iteration instead of using single context.
But how to do that?
The key is to import data as fast as possible.
is there a way to create new db context in the loop? something like : var productRepostotry = new DbContext()..
Hi @alwefaq,
Can you have a look at this ticket, I raised this issue and I think this is exact same issue you are facing. No clear answer to the isuee yet.
Hi Ismail,
Yes it is the latest angular.
Where exactly? Do I need to install Sticky? or it is part of metronic already.
I can't execute var sticky = new Sticky('[data-sticky="true"]');
line anywhere in any component.
Id appriciate if you could send an example.
Hi Ismail,
I am not sure what I am missing here and also wondering whether no one else expereineced this issue...
Sure you can agree with me that time is crucial for systems.
I will put it in this way: Here are what we are trying to achive:
Rule 1 : Capture any datetime (for audit purposes creation time modification time etc) in UTC time regardless of users timezone. (I believe this is achieved by setting the Clock.Provider = ClockProviders.Utc;
in core module.
Rule 2 : If user selects a Date ( no time just the date or even a month selection) that date should be sent back to the server as it is without converting the date to utc. If user selects a date as 2020-05-01 and the user in British Summer Time zone that date must NOT be sent back to the server as 2020-04-30T11:00. This is wrong!
What we tried:
As we want the capture the times in UTC we anable Clock.Provider = ClockProviders.Utc;
. Then you have a selection appears under Settings. What that option should be set to? default is UTC. But do you think we should set that to Servers time zone? I tried both GMT and UTC. Both gives me the same result. What is the purpose of this option and how it should be used?
I tried your code in AppPreBootstrap.ts and nothing has changed.
The only way I could make the code work as I wanted is as below (I have to say that I think there must be a better way for step 3)
1- Set: Clock.Provider = ClockProviders.Utc;
in core mode
2- Change default time zone under "Settings" to GMT time zone
3- Change client side code before saving as this.product.dateTo = moment(moment(this.product.dateTo).format(moment.defaultFormatUtc));
(Not sure why I have to wrap this.product.dateTo in a 'moment' even though the type of it is moment.Moment. Without wrapping you can't call format..).
I just don't want to move on because I found a solution that works for me. I'd better understand why it needs the step 3? and how can we overcome that part.
Hi @demirmusa,
I sent the project to the email. Can you please have a look at this issue? It is causing us a lot of trouble...