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Activities of "ajayak"

The above code is placed in PostInitialize function of TechnologyCoreModule.cs. I have set Migrator project as startup.

Does ASPNET Core support deployment at multiple locations? Will it work out of the box for the following architecture?


What would be the steps required to change all dates to UTC format on Angular + .NET Core solution?


How to disable logging of all events in Logs file and only keep exception logs and logs that are added by Logger?

Is it possible to write Logger logs in seperate log files?

Get this erorr in log for long running background job. The job terminated in less than 10 minutes.

Job started at 14:34:21 and server got removed at 14:37:06.

DEBUG 2019-02-20 14:35:46,479 [51   ] ion.Mg.MgPostInitializationJob - Processing batch
DEBUG 2019-02-20 14:35:54,884 [51   ] ion.Mg.MgPostInitializationJob - Processing batch
DEBUG 2019-02-20 14:36:07,064 [51   ] ion.Mg.MgPostInitializationJob - Processing batch
DEBUG 2019-02-20 14:36:15,531 [51   ] ion.Mg.MgPostInitializationJob - Processing batch
DEBUG 2019-02-20 14:36:23,792 [51   ] ion.Mg.MgPostInitializationJob - Processing batch
DEBUG 2019-02-20 14:36:32,107 [51   ] ion.Mg.MgPostInitializationJob - Processing batch
DEBUG 2019-02-20 14:36:40,601 [51   ] ion.Mg.MgPostInitializationJob - Processing batch
DEBUG 2019-02-20 14:36:48,733 [51   ] ion.Mg.MgPostInitializationJob - Processing batch
DEBUG 2019-02-20 14:36:57,167 [51   ] ion.Mg.MgPostInitializationJob - Processing batch
INFO  2019-02-20 14:37:06,442 [chdog] Hangfire.Server.ServerWatchdog           - 1 servers were removed due to timeout

Job class:

public class MgPostInitializationJob : BackgroundJob<MgPostInitializationJobArgs>, ITransientDependency
     // My code here

I have a static class called Generic Helper. How can I use L in the static class?

I have class:

class GetInventoryListInput : PagedAndSortedInputDto

I tried to override MaxResultCount property in constructor and also as new MaxResultCount. In this case, I always get 10 result.

I tried with [DisableValidation] but still get the error:

The field MaxResultCount must be between 1 and 1000.

How can I override MaxResultCount for 1 single call?


I am trying to configure dependency injection for DinkToPdf package but not sure how to register dependency this way:

services.AddSingleton(typeof(IConverter), new SynchronizedConverter(new PdfTools()));

How can I register this in CoreModule?

I have added a Hangfire service class which initialize all hangfire jobs in my application.

public class HangfireService
    public static void InitializeJobs()
        RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<DelayedNotificationWorker>(job => job.Start(), Cron.HourInterval(6));

Here is DelayedNotificationWorker class:

public class DelayedNotificationWorker : PeriodicBackgroundWorkerBase, ISingletonDependency
    private readonly IAppNotifier _appNotifier;
    private readonly UserManager _userManager;
    private readonly IRepository<DelayedNotification, long> _delayedNotificationRepository;

    public DelayedNotificationWorker(
        AbpTimer timer,
        IRepository<DelayedNotification, long> delayedNotificationRepository) : base(timer)
        Timer.Period = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 6; // 6 Hours
        _delayedNotificationRepository = delayedNotificationRepository;

    protected override void DoWork()
        // Do some job

What is the effect of application restart on the background job? Will it be triggered immediately on restart or wait for 6 hour interval? What is the role of Timer.Period in this class?



I am planning to create an ionic capacitor app on top of AspNetZero Angular frontend. For the app to work, I need to enable CORS.

The capacitor wraps the app in a webview and runs the app localhost:9222. Should I just add this URL to the CORS list in appsettings.json? Is this a good approach?

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