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Activities of "ajayak"

Get this erorr in log for long running background job. The job terminated in less than 10 minutes.

Job started at 14:34:21 and server got removed at 14:37:06.

DEBUG 2019-02-20 14:35:46,479 [51   ] ion.Mg.MgPostInitializationJob - Processing batch
DEBUG 2019-02-20 14:35:54,884 [51   ] ion.Mg.MgPostInitializationJob - Processing batch
DEBUG 2019-02-20 14:36:07,064 [51   ] ion.Mg.MgPostInitializationJob - Processing batch
DEBUG 2019-02-20 14:36:15,531 [51   ] ion.Mg.MgPostInitializationJob - Processing batch
DEBUG 2019-02-20 14:36:23,792 [51   ] ion.Mg.MgPostInitializationJob - Processing batch
DEBUG 2019-02-20 14:36:32,107 [51   ] ion.Mg.MgPostInitializationJob - Processing batch
DEBUG 2019-02-20 14:36:40,601 [51   ] ion.Mg.MgPostInitializationJob - Processing batch
DEBUG 2019-02-20 14:36:48,733 [51   ] ion.Mg.MgPostInitializationJob - Processing batch
DEBUG 2019-02-20 14:36:57,167 [51   ] ion.Mg.MgPostInitializationJob - Processing batch
INFO  2019-02-20 14:37:06,442 [chdog] Hangfire.Server.ServerWatchdog           - 1 servers were removed due to timeout

Job class:

public class MgPostInitializationJob : BackgroundJob<MgPostInitializationJobArgs>, ITransientDependency
     // My code here
// Hangfire dashboard & server (Enable to use Hangfire instead of default job manager)
var dashboardOptions = new DashboardOptions
    Authorization = new[] { new AbpHangfireAuthorizationFilter(AppPermissions.Pages_Administration_HangfireDashboard) }
app.UseHangfireDashboard("/hangfire", DebugHelper.IsDebug ? null : dashboardOptions);

It will be a good idea to secure thr hangfire url for production

Hi @aaron. How can I pass parameters as in L('name', parameters) using LocalizationHelper? Can't find any way.

I have a static class called Generic Helper. How can I use L in the static class?

@ismcagdas, I'm sending 1100 from client app. I guess that would be the last option then :)

I'm using Angular frontend.

I have class:

class GetInventoryListInput : PagedAndSortedInputDto

I tried to override MaxResultCount property in constructor and also as new MaxResultCount. In this case, I always get 10 result.

I tried with [DisableValidation] but still get the error:

The field MaxResultCount must be between 1 and 1000.

How can I override MaxResultCount for 1 single call?

That works @maliming. Tricky code thhough :D


I am trying to configure dependency injection for DinkToPdf package but not sure how to register dependency this way:

services.AddSingleton(typeof(IConverter), new SynchronizedConverter(new PdfTools()));

How can I register this in CoreModule?

I have added a Hangfire service class which initialize all hangfire jobs in my application.

public class HangfireService
    public static void InitializeJobs()
        RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<DelayedNotificationWorker>(job => job.Start(), Cron.HourInterval(6));

Here is DelayedNotificationWorker class:

public class DelayedNotificationWorker : PeriodicBackgroundWorkerBase, ISingletonDependency
    private readonly IAppNotifier _appNotifier;
    private readonly UserManager _userManager;
    private readonly IRepository<DelayedNotification, long> _delayedNotificationRepository;

    public DelayedNotificationWorker(
        AbpTimer timer,
        IRepository<DelayedNotification, long> delayedNotificationRepository) : base(timer)
        Timer.Period = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 6; // 6 Hours
        _delayedNotificationRepository = delayedNotificationRepository;

    protected override void DoWork()
        // Do some job

What is the effect of application restart on the background job? Will it be triggered immediately on restart or wait for 6 hour interval? What is the role of Timer.Period in this class?

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