Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ajayak"


I am following from ABP documents ([]))

I am able to use <ins>Postman</ins>to call services present in Application layer but when I call any method in Web layer, I am getting an exception. Also, API conventions are not working. I need to specify ControllerName/MethodName in url to execute the function.

<ins>Error Details:</ins> An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request. ComponentNotFoundException: No component for supporting the service AK.FinancialAccounting.Web.Controllers.HomeController was found Castle.MicroKernel.IKernelInternal.Resolve



Is there any way I can use ASP.NET Boilerplate Framework with Oracle DB?


I really appreciate the work and effort in building such a powerful framework. Framework contains all the features that any developer require to build a robust and stable application.

I was planning to build a cross platform application using Angular 2(in Electron shell) and ASP.NET Core. This framework looks good match. :)

Is there any active work going on to upgrade this framework to ASP.NET Core 1.1 or up? As I can analyze that ABP module uses Castle Windsor DI which does not support .NET Core. Also new .NET framework support DI out of the box. :)

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