Well, yes - but if there any way to attach cutom handler to it event?
Thanks - I saw this.
But - Real time push notification system (with SignalR integration) in a common means push notifications from browser.
Well, but think not creating users from admin.
But rather let users register themselves. I saw Tenant.DefaultName like 'Default' - but this is a tenant not a host.
<cite>ismcagdas: </cite> Hi,
We don't have but you can use SSL just like you use with any other website.
We have SSL and want to integrate it - just wondering - asp.net zero was tested with SSL and all should be fine.
Core is not mature platform yet, and will be changed so we stick with MVC.
Angular 2 - is out of the beta - so we decided to go with it. New UI controls will also go with it, as old will be unsupported in year.