Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "alfar_re"


What I was experiencing is that once I open that specific index page, I get that loading message and it stops there, loads no data. I was able to regenerate the entity and clean the solution and the index now displays the data as it should. However, this was after several attempts.


Great. Thank you.


Alright. Thanks for pointing out. Cheers ;0


Any help with this?

Alright. I'm trying to follow the flow to implement correctly. Thank you for pointing out.


Adding the [string] to localization actually worked. Thanks.


This is well noted. Thanks for the help.

Hello @ismcagdas,

This is well noted. Let me explore those options and see what works well. I'm a big fan of Power Tools so whatever works with it will take the day.

Thank you for the advice. I'm gonna close this ticket now.

I'll remember to add the issue on GitHub.

Hi @ismcagdas,

This is well noted. However, I'd like to know how to use the RAD tool to target these different web projects. Also, would this be achieved by adding areas instead? For example the App area could host a specific function, then another area added for say Accounting, Projects etc. If this were possible, how can I use the RAD tool to target the new areas?

Hi, I'm using .NET Core + JQuery.

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