Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "alirizaadiyahsi"


Did you check this: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... -file-name</a>

What is your IIS version?

Thanks for detailed explanation.

Could you check this: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ne-methods</a>

There is a line in document that could help you to solve your problem.

//Get auto increment Id of the new Phone by saving to database
await CurrentUnitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync();

Could you check Logs.txt file, if there is any error?

ProjectName.Host > App_data > Logs.txt


Did you change "CorsOrigins": "http://localhost:4200" setting in appsetting.json? (It is in ProjectName.Host) You should add your host project IP to this file.

In your scenerio you can change it like: "CorsOrigins": ""


You used

public virtual UserImportPresentation Presentation { get; set; }

for mapping to

public class UserImportPresentation

EF use name conversation to map entities. So maybe it can't maped entities one-to-one. Could you try to rename Presentationto UserImportPresentation or use fluent API to custom mapping.

Check this (one-to-one under Other Relationship Patterns title): <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ationships</a>


Thanks for feedback. We will fix it as soon as possible. I also opened an issue for this. <a class="postlink" href=""></a>


Actually, there are examples in application. For example Tenants/_CreateModal.cshtml You can refer this page.

For phonebook example:

  • Add a boolean value to CreatePersonInput.cs
  • Add a checkbox item to view. Like following:
<div class="md-checkbox">
    <input id="Phonebook_SomeBooleanValue" class="md-check" type="checkbox" name="SomeBooleanValue" value="true" checked="checked">
    <label for="Phonebook_SomeBooleanValue">
        <span class="inc"></span>
        <span class="check"></span>
        <span class="box"></span>


Yes, next version, it will include.

If I understand you want to post data from view to action. So you can set your <form> element action attribute, something like following:

<form action="FeedBack/FeedBack" ...


What you mean by "how do i call a function from a view"? If you explain in detail what you want to do and what is your scenario, then we can help better.

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