Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "alper"

thank you. we'll check again.


You can use the class SubscriptionExpirationCheckWorker. The method DoWork() runs every hour. So you can implement your own custom rule to revert back to free/standard edition in the DoWork method.

Note: Aspnet Zero checks expiration date in the same class as well.



Download the smtp test application and try to send email from this program. If this program sends successfully then configure the same settings for aspnet zero website. If this program fails to send email then you have a configuration problem!

<a class="postlink" href=""></a>



Try to send email via the program below. It is an arbitral application to see if your configuration is correct or not.

Download Email Test Application


Add**[ComplexType]** attribute to Address class.

    public class Address : IHasCreationTime
        public string Country { get; set; }

        public string City { get; set; }

        public string FullAddress { get; set; }
        //other fields...

Hi again,

Bad news! Entity Framework Core does not support complex types at the moment. Good news! It will be supported in 2.0.0 version. When it releases we will update the framework.

See this for more information


Can you just create a new method that returns a simple string "success" in ConnectionsAppService? Method must be without input parameters and returns just a string. We'll understand if the parameter (connectionString) is the problem or accessing remote webservice is the problem.


Currently there's no such password policy. We are planning to implement those features in the future but there's no timeline for now.

When you use LESS the css is generated by LESS preprocessor. And while you are debugging css files the css maps make output css files more readable and more debuggable even after you have minified withhout impacting performance. If you don't use less for css outputs, then there'll be no map files.

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