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Activities of "alukaszewski"

I prefer the original metronic theme presentation of keeping the icons for navigation sub-menu/sub-items at the same size and colour throughout the entire navigation menu, but ASP.NET Zero seems to shrink icons slightly for sub-items and also change to same colour as the sub-item font.

How do I change this to keep sub-item icon same as parent/top-level style?


I have been prototyping a web application using VS2013 with .aspx pages and, using the metronic theme and things have been going well. I use Metronic datatables, ajax calls, google charts and morris.js. I now need to start looking at migrating my project into the ASP.NET Zero framework and this looks to be quite complicated! I expect I will have a lot more questions, but here are a few I'd like answering to get me started.

  1. Is there a guide for creating new pages accessed via the menu on the dashboard page in the MPA model? Are there any template pages to work with other than the dashboard page? Do I need to create new folders under the mpa/views or just new .cshtml pages within "dashboard"
  2. How do I add language-neutral/common language items to the navigation menu without having to use the L("item") function? For example, if I simply wanted the text "Microsoft" or "Symantec" as menu or item title?
  3. What is the version of the Metronic theme in the current ASP.NET Zero project? 4.5.2? I tried this version in my own environment and found that the datatables do not seem to render correctly anymore - the first column in the row does not highlight when you hover over a row.
  4. When I want to publish to a web server using VisualStudio, is it just the ProjectName.Web project I publish?

A lot of this is very new to me, but I am trying to move away from the traditional .aspx web page coding.

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