Sorry my mistake.
My application is multidbcontext so on other dbcontext then the first I've used AbpDbContext that not has implemented the HistoryEntity. So I change my dbcontext to use AbpZeroDbContext so now history works well.
Hi maliming
I invastigate on my code like your suggestion and now the ILogger it will be injected automaticly if I derive on application a class from AbpExport module like the code below
public class VatCheckExporter : ExcelExporter<VatChekcExcelOutDto>, IVatCheckExporter
Probably I need to extend my module to do exact what I need. So I see that is possible to inject via IocManger, but is not a god option for testing in this way
using (var excelExport = IocManager.Instance.ResolveAsDisposable<ExcelExporter<VatChekcExcelOutDto>>())
Hi maliming
I update my solution to 4.8.1 and now on my DB there are the History Log Tables. So I add the code like in the documenation to track my entity Activity a do an update but nothing will be tracked on DB
public class Activity : FullAuditedEntity<long>, IMustHaveTenant
public int TenantId { get; set; }
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
public DateTime IntTime { get; set; }
// On my PreInitialize module
Configuration.EntityHistory.IsEnabled = true;
Configuration.EntityHistory.Selectors.Add(new NamedTypeSelector(
type => typeof (IFullAudited).IsAssignableFrom(type)
what I'm wrong?
Sorry I forget to write it: ABP / ABP Zerp 4.2.0
thk because on stackoverflow there was an old answer or probably old answer... Stackoverflow.
So now I add on my core module this 2 lines
Configuration.EntityHistory.IsEnabled = true;
Configuration.EntityHistory.Selectors.Add("Activity", typeof(Activities.Activity));
but no history works... I check on my db and I don't find any table named History? is it correct? Or maybe I lost some migration?
I look into the Core solution when I plan to use shared DLL and I see that on Core there is some DLL but is not a ABP module.
What I'm wrong?
I send via email my complete module source code
For sure. I add my module file
public class AbpExportingModule : AbpModule
public override void PreInitialize()
IocManager.Register<IAppFolders, AppBaseFolders>();
public override void Initialize()
public override void PostInitialize()
//AppFolders = Dependency.IocManager.Instance.IocContainer.Resolve<IAppFolders>();
//Logger = Dependency.IocManager.Instance.IocContainer.Resolve<ILogger>();
//LocalizationManager = Dependency.IocManager.Instance.IocContainer.Resolve<ILocalizationManager>();
mmm but I try to put a break point but it's never call ... are you sure?
So the big question is why my class ha not ILogger correctly initialize...