Hi, If I wanted to remove default exception handling behavior of asp.net boilerplate (where it automatically catch and throws exceptions into client) what code do I need to remove from server?
Thanks in advance
If I want to use only Authentication and Authorization of asp.net boilerplate what assemblies do I need?
Thanks in advance
I am about to deploy my application to a client. What settings need to be changed in appsettings.json apart from connection string. I am not using 3rd party authentication or Identity server.
Is there any guide like "Going to production"?
I previous versions of aspnetzero there was a map in the dashboard. I can see now that this map was removed. Can you please tell which library was that?
Based on the documentation on this link when you use a repository: "You can also use the Context object in the repository methods to reach your DbContext and directly use Entity Framework APIs"
However I dont see how is this possible as no Context property exists on my IRepository<T, int>
Any tips?
Thanks in advance
I have created a new custom module (CustomModule) and I want to handle exceptions thrown in appservices of this module. For that I have created a customexception filter and have added following code into the PreInitialize
Configuration.ReplaceService<IExceptionFilter, CustomModuleExceptionFilter>(Abp.Dependency.DependencyLifeStyle.Transient);
The problem I have is that the CustomModuleExceptionFilter is not only fired from exceptions triggered in the CustomModule but also from exceptions fired on all other modules. Is there any way to limit this filter to be applied only to CustomModule?
I want to send a custom exception message to client when a specific exception is fired (AbpDbConcurrencyException). Instead of doing this for each method of all my appservices I would like to change it in a global place. So for example if I have 20 AppServices with each 2-3 methods I dont want to add try/catch block in each method but instead have a place where I do this.
How can I achieve such requirement
I am using aspnet core & angular and I have:
public async Task<Response> CreateClient(Client input)
input.Name = null;
Response result = new Response();
await repo.InsertAsync(input);
await unitOfWorkManager.Current.SaveChangesAsync();
catch (Exception ex)
if (ex.InnerException != null)
result.ErrorMessage = ex.InnerException.Message;
result.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
return result;
based on the fact that I set input.Name = null
when await repo.SaveChangesAsync();
is called it throws an exception (Name is required).
I catch the exception and have custom logic to return the response with error in it.
Problem is that in client I still get this ugly popup:
which I dont want to show for custom forms. The purpose of this logic inside the app service is to avoid using the popups for CRUD and errors and instead develop using my own controls.
I have the following table/model
public class Client : Entity<int>, IHasCreationTime
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
and the following method in controller:
public async Task<Response> CreateClient(Client input)
input.Name = null;
Response result = new Response();
await repo.InsertAsync(input);
catch (Exception ex)
if (ex.InnerException != null)
result.ErrorMessage = ex.InnerException.Message;
result.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
return result;
based on the fact that I set input.Name = null
when await repo.InsertAsync(input);
is called it throws an exception (Name is required).
Problem is that the exception is not catched inside the catch clause but instead I get in client app (angular) a 500 error (exception is catched somewhere else)
This is a problem for me as I need to catch the exception and perform some other logic. Why does it fail?
Which spinner library is used for angular?
How can I change it?