Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "avanekar02"

yes i followed all the steps and it works fine in the cshtml page, bu what i want is to call this way from the index.js page

var slide = pptx.addNewSlide();

because i am filling an array with values and finally when the user presses save i want to collect the data from our vm .array

and create the slide add the text and then save as pptx.

/* PPTX Units are "DXA" (except for font sizing) ....: There are 1440 DXA per inch. 1 inch is 72 points. 1 DXA is 1/20th's of a point (20 DXA is 1 point). ....: There is also something called EMU's (914400 EMUs is 1 inch, 12700 EMUs is 1pt). SEE: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... -open-xml/</a> | OBJECT LAYOUTS: 16x9 (10" x 5.625"), 16x10 (10" x 6.25"), 4x3 (10" x 7.5"), Wide (13.33" x 7.5") | REFS: * "Structure of a PresentationML document (Open XML SDK)" * @see: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... 78335.aspx</a> * TableStyleId enumeration * @see: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... =office.14</a>).aspx */

// Polyfill for IE11 (<a class="postlink" href=""> ... /isInteger</a>) Number.isInteger = Number.isInteger || function(value) { return typeof value === "number" && isFinite(value) && Math.floor(value) === value; };

// Detect Node.js var NODEJS = ( typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports );

// [Node.js] <script> includes if ( NODEJS ) { var gObjPptxMasters = require('../dist/pptxgen.masters.js'); var gObjPptxShapes = require('../dist/pptxgen.shapes.js'); }

var PptxGenJS = function(){ // CONSTANTS var APP_VER = "1.1.6"; var APP_REL = "20170119"; var LAYOUTS = { 'LAYOUT_4x3' : { name: 'screen4x3', width: 9144000, height: 6858000 }, 'LAYOUT_16x9' : { name: 'screen16x9', width: 9144000, height: 5143500 }, 'LAYOUT_16x10': { name: 'screen16x10', width: 9144000, height: 5715000 }, 'LAYOUT_WIDE' : { name: 'custom', width: 12191996, height: 6858000 } }; var BASE_SHAPES = { RECTANGLE: { 'displayName': 'Rectangle', 'name': 'rect', 'avLst': {} }, LINE: { 'displayName': 'Line', 'name': 'line', 'avLst': {} } }; var SLDNUMFLDID = '{F7021451-1387-4CA6-816F-3879F97B5CBC}'; var IMG_BROKEN = ''; var EMU = 914400; // One (1) Inch - OfficeXML measures in EMU (English Metric Units) var ONEPT = 12700; // One (1) point (pt) var CRLF = '\r\n';

// A: Create internal pptx object
var gObjPptx = {};

// B: Set Presentation Property Defaults
gObjPptx.title = 'PptxGenJS Presentation';
gObjPptx.fileName = 'Presentation';
gObjPptx.fileExtn = '.pptx';
gObjPptx.pptLayout = LAYOUTS['LAYOUT_16x9'];
gObjPptx.slides = [];

// C: Expose shape library to clients
this.shapes  = (typeof gObjPptxShapes  !== 'undefined') ? gObjPptxShapes  : BASE_SHAPES;
this.masters = (typeof gObjPptxMasters !== 'undefined') ? gObjPptxMasters : {};

// D: Check for associated .js files and provide warings about anything missing
if ( typeof gObjPptxShapes === 'undefined' ) gObjPptxShapes = BASE_SHAPES;

 * Export the .pptx file (using saveAs - dep. filesaver.js)
function doExportPresentation() {
	var intSlideNum = 0, intRels = 0;

	// STEP 1: Create new JSZip file
	var zip = new JSZip();

	// STEP 2: Add all required folders and files

	zip.file("[Content_Types].xml", makeXmlContTypes());
	zip.file("_rels/.rels", makeXmlRootRels());
	zip.file("docProps/app.xml", makeXmlApp());
	zip.file("docProps/core.xml", makeXmlCore());
	zip.file("ppt/_rels/presentation.xml.rels", makeXmlPresentationRels());

	// Create a Layout/Master/Rel/Slide file for each SLIDE
	for ( var idx=0; idx&lt;gObjPptx.slides.length; idx++ ) {
		zip.file(&quot;ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout&quot;+ intSlideNum +&quot;.xml&quot;, makeXmlSlideLayout( intSlideNum ));
		zip.file(&quot;ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout&quot;+ intSlideNum +&quot;.xml.rels&quot;, makeXmlSlideLayoutRel( intSlideNum ));
		zip.file(&quot;ppt/slides/slide&quot;+ intSlideNum +&quot;.xml&quot;, makeXmlSlide(gObjPptx.slides[idx]));
		zip.file(&quot;ppt/slides/_rels/slide&quot;+ intSlideNum +&quot;.xml.rels&quot;, makeXmlSlideRel( intSlideNum ));
	zip.file(&quot;ppt/slideMasters/slideMaster1.xml&quot;, makeXmlSlideMaster());
	zip.file(&quot;ppt/slideMasters/_rels/slideMaster1.xml.rels&quot;, makeXmlSlideMasterRel());

	// Add all images
	for ( var idx=0; idx&lt;gObjPptx.slides.length; idx++ ) {
		for ( var idy=0; idy&lt;gObjPptx.slides[idx].rels.length; idy++ ) {
			var id = gObjPptx.slides[idx].rels[idy].rId - 1;
			var data = gObjPptx.slides[idx].rels[idy].data;
			var extn = gObjPptx.slides[idx].rels[idy].extn;

			// A: Users will undoubtedly pass in string in various formats, so modify as needed
			if      ( data.indexOf(&#39;,&#39;) == -1 &amp;&amp; data.indexOf(&#39;;&#39;) == -1 ) data = &#39;image/png;base64,&#39;+data;
			else if ( data.indexOf(&#39;,&#39;) == -1 ) data = &#39;image/png;base64,&#39;+data;
			else if ( data.indexOf(&#39;;&#39;) == -1 ) data = &#39;image/png;&#39;+data;

			// B: Grab base64 encoding header (ex: &quot;data:image/png;base64&quot;)
			var header = data.substring(0, data.indexOf(&quot;,&quot;));

			// C: Set content and trim the leading base64 header (&#39;data:image/png;base64,&#39;) JSZip only needs the data after &#39;,&#39; (will error otherwiose)
			var content = data.substring(data.indexOf(&quot;,&quot;) + 1);

			// D: Add image
			zip.file( &quot;ppt/media/image&quot;+id+&quot;.&quot;+extn, content, {base64:true} );

	zip.file(&quot;ppt/theme/theme1.xml&quot;, makeXmlTheme());
	zip.file(&quot;ppt/presentation.xml&quot;, makeXmlPresentation());
	zip.file(&quot;ppt/presProps.xml&quot;,    makeXmlPresProps());
	zip.file(&quot;ppt/tableStyles.xml&quot;,  makeXmlTableStyles());
	zip.file(&quot;ppt/viewProps.xml&quot;,    makeXmlViewProps());

	// STEP 3: Push the PPTX file to browser
	var strExportName = ((gObjPptx.fileName.toLowerCase().indexOf(&#39;.ppt&#39;) &gt; -1) ? gObjPptx.fileName : gObjPptx.fileName+gObjPptx.fileExtn);
	if ( NODEJS ) {
		zip.generateAsync({type:'nodebuffer'}).then(function(content){ fs.writeFile(strExportName, content); });
	else {
		zip.generateAsync({type:'blob'}).then(function(content){ saveAs(content, strExportName); });

function componentToHex(c) {
	var hex = c.toString(16);
	return hex.length == 1 ? "0" + hex : hex;

 * DESC: Used by `addSlidesForTable()` to convert RGB colors from jQuery selectors to Hex for Presentation colors
function rgbToHex(r, g, b) {
	if (! Number.isInteger(r)) { try { console.warn('Integer expected!'); } catch(ex){} }
	return (componentToHex(r) + componentToHex(g) + componentToHex(b)).toUpperCase();

function inch2Emu(inches) {
	// FIRST: Provide Caller Safety: Numbers may get conv&lt;-&gt;conv during flight, so be kind and do some simple checks to ensure inches were passed
	// Any value over 100 damn sure isnt inches, must be EMU already, so just return it
	if (inches > 100) return inches;
	if ( typeof inches == 'string' ) inches = Number( inches.replace(/in*/gi,'') );
	return Math.round(EMU * inches);

				// C: Add padding [margin] (if any)
				// NOTE: Margins translate: px->pt 1:1 (e.g.: a 20px padded cell looks the same in PPTX as 20pt Text Inset/Padding)
				if ( $(cell).css('padding-left') ) {
					objOpts.marginPt = [];
					$.each(['padding-top', 'padding-right', 'padding-bottom', 'padding-left'],function(i,val){
						objOpts.marginPt.push( Math.round($(cell).css(val).replace(/\D/gi,'') * ONEPT) );

				// D: Add colspan (if any)
				if ( $(cell).attr('colspan') ) objOpts.colspan = $(cell).attr('colspan');

				// E: Add border (if any)
				if ( $(cell).css('border-top-width') || $(cell).css('border-right-width') || $(cell).css('border-bottom-width') || $(cell).css('border-left-width') ) {
					objOpts.border = [];
					$.each(['top','right','bottom','left'], function(i,val){
						var intBorderW = Math.round( Number($(cell).css('border-'+val+'-width').replace('px','')) );
						var arrRGB = [];
						arrRGB = $(cell).css('border-'+val+'-color').replace(/\s+/gi,'').replace('rgba(','').replace('rgb(','').replace(')','').split(',');
						var strBorderC = rgbToHex( Number(arrRGB[0]), Number(arrRGB[1]), Number(arrRGB[2]) );
						objOpts.border.push( {pt:intBorderW, color:strBorderC} );

				// F: Massage cell text so we honor linebreak tag as a line break during line parsing
				var $cell2 = $(cell).clone();
				$cell2.html( $(cell).html().replace(/&lt;br[^&gt;]*>/gi,'\n') );

				// LAST: Add cell
					text: $.trim( $cell2.text() ),
					opts: objOpts
			switch (val) {
				case 'thead': arrObjTabHeadRows.push( arrObjTabCells ); break;
				case 'tbody': arrObjTabBodyRows.push( arrObjTabCells ); break;
				case 'tfoot': arrObjTabFootRows.push( arrObjTabCells ); break;

	// STEP 4: Paginate data: Iterate over all table rows, divide into slides/pages based upon the row height>overall height
	$.each([arrObjTabHeadRows,arrObjTabBodyRows,arrObjTabFootRows], function(iTab,tab){
		var currRow = [];
		$.each(tab, function(iRow,row){
			// A: Reset ROW variables
			var arrCellsLines = [], arrCellsLineHeights = [], emuRowH = 0, intMaxLineCnt = 0, intMaxColIdx = 0;

			// B: Parse and store each cell's text into line array (*MAGIC HAPPENS HERE*)
				// 1: Create a cell object for each table column
				currRow.push({ text:'', opts:cell.opts });

				// 2: Parse cell contents into lines (**MAGIC HAPENSS HERE**)
				var lines = parseTextToLines($.trim(cell.text), cell.opts.font_size, (arrColW[iCell]/ONEPT));
				arrCellsLines.push( lines );

				// 3: Keep track of max line count within all row cells
				if ( lines.length > intMaxLineCnt ) { intMaxLineCnt = lines.length; intMaxColIdx = iCell; }

			// C: Calculate Line-Height
			// FYI: Line-Height =~ font-size [px~=pt] * 1.65 / 100 = inches high
			// FYI: 1px = 14288 EMU (0.156 inches) @96 PPI - I ended up going with 20000 EMU as margin spacing needed a bit more than 1:1
				var lineHeight = inch2Emu(cell.opts.font_size * 1.65 / 100);
				if ( Array.isArray(cell.opts.marginPt) && cell.opts.marginPt[0] ) lineHeight += cell.opts.marginPt[0] / intMaxLineCnt;
				if ( Array.isArray(cell.opts.marginPt) && cell.opts.marginPt[2] ) lineHeight += cell.opts.marginPt[2] / intMaxLineCnt;
				arrCellsLineHeights.push( Math.round(lineHeight) );

			// D: AUTO-PAGING: Add text one-line-a-time to this row's cells until: lines are exhausted OR table H limit is hit
			for (var idx=0; idx&lt;intMaxLineCnt; idx++) {
				// 1: Add the current line to cell
				for (var col=0; col&lt;arrCellsLines.length; col++) {
					// A: Commit this slide to Presenation if table Height limit is hit
					if ( emuTabCurrH + arrCellsLineHeights[intMaxColIdx] &gt; emuSlideTabH ) {
						// 1: Add the current row to table
						// NOTE: Edge cases can occur where we create a new slide only to have no more lines
						// ....: and then a blank row sits at the bottom of a table!
						// ....: Hence, we very all cells have text before adding this final row.
						$.each(currRow, function(i,cell){
							if (cell.text.length > 0 ) {
								// IMPORTANT: use jQuery extend (deep copy) or cell will mutate!!
								arrRows.push( $.extend(true, [], currRow) );
								return false; // break out of .each loop
						// 2: Add new Slide with current array of table rows
						arrObjSlides.push( $.extend(true, [], arrRows) );
						// 3: Empty rows for new Slide
						arrRows.length = 0;
						// 4: Reset curr table height for new Slide
						emuTabCurrH = 0; // This row's emuRowH w/b added below
						// 5: Empty current row's text (continue adding lines where we left off below)
						$.each(currRow,function(i,cell){ cell.text = ''; });
						// 6: Auto-Paging Options: addHeaderToEach
						if ( opts.addHeaderToEach ) {
							var headRow = [];
							$.each(arrObjTabHeadRows[0], function(iCell,cell){
								headRow.push({ text:cell.text, opts:cell.opts });
								var lines = parseTextToLines(cell.text, cell.opts.font_size, (arrColW[iCell]/ONEPT));
								if ( lines.length > intMaxLineCnt ) { intMaxLineCnt = lines.length; intMaxColIdx = iCell; }
							arrRows.push( $.extend(true, [], headRow) );

					// B: Add next line of text to this cell
					if ( arrCellsLines[col][idx] ) currRow[col].text += arrCellsLines[col][idx];

				// 2: Add this new rows H to overall (The cell with the longest line array is the one we use as the determiner for overall row Height)
				emuTabCurrH += arrCellsLineHeights[intMaxColIdx];

			// E: Flush row buffer - Add the current row to table, then truncate row cell array
			// IMPORTANT: use jQuery extend (deep copy) or cell will mutate!!
			arrRows.push( $.extend(true, [], currRow) );
			currRow.length = 0;
		}); // row loop
	}); // tab loop
	// Flush final row buffer to slide
	arrObjSlides.push( $.extend(true,[],arrRows) );

	// STEP 5: Create a SLIDE for each of our 1-N table pieces
	$.each(arrObjSlides, function(i,slide){
		// A: Create table row array
		var arrTabRows = [];

		// B: Create new Slide
		var newSlide = ( opts.master && gObjPptxMasters ? api.addNewSlide(opts.master) : api.addNewSlide() );

		// C: Create array of Rows
		$.each(slide, function(i,row){
			var arrTabRowCells = [];
			$.each(row, function(i,cell){ arrTabRowCells.push( cell ); });
			arrTabRows.push( arrTabRowCells );

		// D: Add table to Slide
		newSlide.addTable( arrTabRows, { x:(opts.x || arrInchMargins[3]), y:(opts.y || arrInchMargins[0]), cx:(emuSlideTabW/EMU), colW:arrColW } );

		// E: Add any additional objects
		if ( opts.addImage ) newSlide.addImage({ path:opts.addImage.url, x:opts.addImage.x, y:opts.addImage.y, w:opts.addImage.w, h:opts.addImage.h });
		if ( opts.addText  ) newSlide.addText(  opts.addText.text,   (opts.addText.opts  || {}) );
		if ( opts.addShape ) newSlide.addShape( opts.addShape.shape, (opts.addShape.opts || {}) );
		if ( opts.addTable ) newSlide.addTable( opts.addTable.rows,  (opts.addTable.opts || {}) );


// [Node.js] support if ( NODEJS ) { // A: Load 2 depdendencies var fs = require("fs"); var $ = require("jquery-node"); var JSZip = require("jszip"); var sizeOf = require("image-size");

// B: Export module
module.exports = new PptxGenJS();



i tried running on another browser firefox, exactly the same error, i also re published after deleting .


@using System.Web.Optimization @using Abp.Web.Mvc.Extensions @using Samit.CmsProTest.Localization @{ SetAntiForgeryCookie(); } <!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en" dir=@(CultureHelper.IsRtl ? "rtl" : "")>

<head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>CmsProTest</title>

&lt;meta content=&quot;width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0&quot; name=&quot;viewport&quot;&gt;
&lt;meta http-equiv=&quot;X-UA-Compatible&quot; content=&quot;IE=edge,chrome=1&quot;&gt;

@* Fill these meta tags upon your project specification *@
&lt;meta content=&quot;CmsProTest&quot; name=&quot;description&quot;&gt;
&lt;meta content=&quot;CmsProTest&quot; name=&quot;keywords&quot;&gt;
&lt;meta content=&quot;CmsProTest&quot; name=&quot;author&quot;&gt;

@* You can enable and fill these lines according to documentation on &lt;a class=&quot;postlink&quot; href=&quot;;&gt;;/a&gt;
&lt;meta property=&quot;og:site_name&quot; content=&quot;-CUSTOMER VALUE-&quot;&gt;
&lt;meta property=&quot;og:title&quot; content=&quot;-CUSTOMER VALUE-&quot;&gt;
&lt;meta property=&quot;og:description&quot; content=&quot;-CUSTOMER VALUE-&quot;&gt;
&lt;meta property=&quot;og:type&quot; content=&quot;website&quot;&gt;
&lt;meta property=&quot;og:image&quot; content=&quot;-CUSTOMER VALUE-&quot;&gt;
&lt;meta property=&quot;og:url&quot; content=&quot;-CUSTOMER VALUE-&quot;&gt;*@

&lt;link rel=&quot;shortcut icon&quot; href=&quot;~/favicon.ico&quot;&gt;

&lt;link href=&quot;~/Content/fonts-open-sans.css&quot; rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; type=&quot;text/css&quot;/&gt;
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&lt;link href=&quot;~/Content/fonts-sourcesans-pro.css&quot; rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; type=&quot;text/css&quot; /&gt;

@Styles.Render("~/Bundles/Frontend/libs/css" + (CultureHelper.IsRtl ? "RTL" : ""))
@RenderSection("Styles", false)
@Styles.Render("~/Bundles/Frontend/metronic/css" + (CultureHelper.IsRtl ? "RTL" : ""))


&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;
    @* This is used to get the application's root path from javascript.
    It's useful if you're running application in a virtual directory under IIS. *@
    var abp = abp || {}; abp.appPath = '@ApplicationPath';

</head> <body class="corporate">

@Html.Action("Header", "Layout", new { currentPageName = ViewBag.CurrentPageName })

&lt;div class=&quot;main&quot;&gt;
    &lt;div class=&quot;container&quot;&gt;



&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;
    abp.localization.defaultSourceName = '@LocalizationSourceName';

&lt;script src=&quot;~/AbpScripts/GetScripts&quot; type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;



&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;
    $(function () {

@RenderSection("Scripts", false)




No , in development environment it runs fine.....

the error shows

Uncaught ReferenceError: angular is not defined 4Login.js?v=635907020060000000:61 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'consts' of undefined

something to do with smtp configuration

[WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server] System.Net.Mail.ConnectAndHandshakeAsyncResult.End(IAsyncResult result) +2394490 System.Net.Mail.SmtpTransport.EndGetConnection(IAsyncResult result) +29 System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.ConnectCallback(IAsyncResult result) +51

still same problem



even without using datepicker the same issue also will you hellp me fix datepicker issue


have attached a file called err.jpg

also datepicker not working

thanks and appreciate help

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