Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "avanekar02"

Hello i need to add a front end page but with permissions as seen on pages after login...

Can you show me a sample of the same.

what i want is once logged in other then admin a seperate group of user should go back to the home page and have addition menus and pages with permissions and controls

thanks and happy new year


Is there a feedback view or widget available .....or you can suggest some

Like to check what is the role of the current logged in user

current logged in user got using abpsession.userid but how to get the role without calling controller

also i put up a date issue and attached a image , yesterday please assist me on that ssue as well

regards Anwar

my code

                        <input class="form-control date-picker" ui-jq="datepicker" type="text" value="" ng-model="vm.coursedetails.startDate" />


date is captured correctly in theform, when transfered to controller through createinput DTO , the date changes to {1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM}

in the createinputDTO it is defined as

[Required] public virtual DateTime StartDate { get; set; }

in the form createmodal the definition is as

<input class="form-control" type="text" name="StartDate" ng-model="vm.coursedetails.startDate" ng-class="{'edited':vm.coursedetails.startDate}">

can you tell me what i doing incorrect


Where is the fullcalendar.min.css file in the application i geenerated it is a SPA , can you please tell me how to implemnt the same

Regards Anwar

brother how do i check if current user is logged in from FrontEnd pages,



Hello ,

i would like to change database name name frequently as my project demands it when i created a copy of the database and changed it in the connectionstring in the web,.config in the web project

it gives me the following error

The model backing the 'CmsProTestDbContext' context has changed since the database was created. Consider using Code First Migrations to update the database (<a class="postlink" href=""></a>?

pleasenote i did not find any connectionstring element in the app.config in the migrations project

please tell me how i can do this.

regards Anwar

please tell me how can i pass 2 parameters in href to the controller



Do you have an example of star rating ?

i would like to implement the same..


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