Hi guys,
I'm totallay new to the the aspnetzero and angular so please bear with me.
My objective is to create a procurement request form. Form has some generic fields and 2 areas where user can add products and invitees to the request.
Project type: Angular/Core I have 3 objects as follows: PEvent PEventProduct (Contains PEventID, ProductID, and fields like quantity required) PEventInvitee Product
I have no problems saving the initial Pevent Object but once inserted I need to get the object immediatly so that I can save products and invitees associated to it as well. Below code works for the first part where I insert the pevent. But it fails on second part stating EventId must be between 1 and 2147483647 I believe the problem will be solved if I can get the inserted objects eventid and pass it to neweventproduct.eventid.
The question is whether it is possible to get the resulting object after insert operation.
save(): void {
.finally(() => this.saving = false)
.subscribe(() => {
//works up to here without a problem
//this.newEventProduct.EventId = <- Pass EventID here from the result
result => {
this.newEventProduct.quantity = 1;
//errors here stating EventId must be between 1 and 2147483647