Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "bbakermmc"

Again. Your explanation isnt valid for most web sites. I make a user inactive, he then tries to goto a another page on the site, he will be directed away, even if they try to edit a record it will come back as not valid. So again what are you really trying to prevent, seeing content. At some point the user will navigate away or session will close even if idle and the user comes back they wont be active. You want to force close a session/force a redirect, so you need to implement signlalR or the even listener.

What are you trying to prevent? Because the next action they take should trigger a permission check which would direct them away anyways.

You could probably do something with signalR or the event bus: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... /Event-Bus</a>

I did a little write up here:

<a class="postlink" href=""> ... ssues/1262</a>

You dont :) So our process uses GECO (<a class="postlink" href=""></a>) to generate our code, we ended up creating everything as partials so that way we dont modify the ABP files directly. This helps with merging, especially when you create over 5k files per generation :). For the UI pages we created a folder called "Generated" the generator puts those files there, if we then "modify" them, we move it to the root folder that way if we generate later we dont touch the modified files and can now diff the two files.

Wont you have the same issue if you regenerate app services and such also and added custom methods and dont partial them?

Set a variable in your CI/CD to pass the value into your appsettings and have the hash pull from that value? (I dont remember where the password hash creator lives off the top of my head.) Another option would be to store it as a "Setting" and pull from there.

Doesnt github have a wiki per project?

Follow steps here: <a class="postlink" href=""></a>

Except dont do the

Add color to ThemeColors.cs in theme changer project that you want to use.

namespace MetronicThemeChanger
    public static class ThemeColors
        public static List<ThemeColor> ThemeColorsList = new List<ThemeColor>()
            new ThemeColor { Name = "blue", Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#36a3f7") },
            new ThemeColor { Name = "green", Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#34bfa3") },
            new ThemeColor { Name = "pink", Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#f4516c") },
            new ThemeColor { Name = "yellow", Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#ffb822") },
            new ThemeColor { Name = "default", Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#5867dd") }

            // add new color that you want to use

    Run theme changer tool to change color metronic\MetronicThemeChanger\MetronicThemeChanger\bin\Debug\net461\MetronicThemeChanger.exe and enter themes folder path metronic\default\src\sass\demo

Instead just modify the SCSS files you want. Or modify the color/run the exe and see if you like it. We want finer control over things so we modify the scss.

You can follow all the steps except for the one that runs the exe app. Then you can change the sass files as you wish. The aspnetzero color replacement does some things I didn't like.

This inst specific to ASPNetZero. We would create a single input box and add a + to allow for infinite number of items. Then pass this as as a list of items to controller and loop thru list to add to db as per row, or whatever youre trying to do from here.

We are looking at Blazor too. No more horrid JS, yes please! I think they mentioned they would look at it once its out of alpha and probably gains more traction, though a lot of it would depend on Metronic I bet :/ unless they did a new theme and started using stock controls.

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