Hi, I am trying to integrate Workflow Foundation to ASPNETZERO, basically on the AppService level.
I just need your guidance when it comes to organizing the code.
Shall I create a new Class Library with a Module, add all the Workflow code there, and then add this module as a dependency on the AppService module? Would that work fine? Or there are other considerations I am not able to see in here?
Thanks Bilal
I would like to ask about the tool that was used to generate the .nswag file with the option to generate client-side code based on a Swagger Uri as it is the case now.
I am sorry for asking this question here, but I tried to search online for such thing and I wasn't lucky, and since it is being used in the template, I thought of seeking your help.
Thank you for time.
Hello, The template uploads files to a subfolder (Temp) in the solution folder. In case the application is to be hosted on Azure, shall I use BLOB instead, or this current solution would work fine?
In case of BLOB then I will have the image/file uploaded stored as is on file system and maybe with the name of the file stored in the Db.
Thanks Bilal
Hi, I have setup a continuous integration in VSTS and all is working fine and the web app is published successfully. However, I noticed that in the files that were published into Azure, there is only 1 appsettings.json file. This is the one for the Public website rather than for the backend one (Web.Host).
What shall I do? How could I publish the Web.host and Web.public to two different web apps so that each web app gets its own copy of the appsettings.json?
In the AppServiceModule project I am adding 2 AuthorizationProviders. The first creates a root node under "Pages" called "Pages.Common" and the second create new permissions under "Pages.Common". The code is as follows:
In the SharedAuthorizationProvider:
public static class SharedPermissions
public const string Pages = "Pages";
public const string Common= "Pages.Common";
public class SharedAuthorizationProvider : AuthorizationProvider
private readonly bool _isMultiTenancyEnabled;
public SharedAuthorizationProvider(bool isMultiTenancyEnabled)
_isMultiTenancyEnabled = isMultiTenancyEnabled;
public SharedAuthorizationProvider(IMultiTenancyConfig multiTenancyConfig)
_isMultiTenancyEnabled = multiTenancyConfig.IsEnabled;
public override void SetPermissions(IPermissionDefinitionContext context)
var pages = context.GetPermissionOrNull(SharedPermissions.Pages);
pages.CreateChildPermission(SharedPermissions.Common, L("Common.Permission"));
private static ILocalizableString L(string name)
return new LocalizableString(name, DrcAppConsts.LocalizationSourceName);
In the AgenciesAuthorizationProvider:
public static class AgencyPermissions
public const string Common = "Pages.Common";
public const string Agency = "Agency";
public class AgencyAuthorizationProvider : AuthorizationProvider
private readonly bool _isMultiTenancyEnabled;
public AgencyAuthorizationProvider(bool isMultiTenancyEnabled)
_isMultiTenancyEnabled = isMultiTenancyEnabled;
public AgencyAuthorizationProvider(IMultiTenancyConfig multiTenancyConfig)
_isMultiTenancyEnabled = multiTenancyConfig.IsEnabled;
public override void SetPermissions(IPermissionDefinitionContext context)
**var common = context.GetPermissionOrNull(AgencyPermissions.Common);**
var agency = common.CreateChildPermission(AgencyPermissions.Agency, L("Agency.Permission"));
In the line of code above that is bold: "common" is being null.
Is there something wrong in the code written or the library doesn't allow creating parent and child on the fly?
Hello, I configure my app to run with HangFire. I can see a job being enqueued. The job is making use of the NotificationPublisher to send a notification to a specific user (testing purpose). The user is never receiving those notifications.
I debugged the code and it works fine.
I also checked the AbpTenantNotifications, it seems those notifications used are not added to the DB.
public class TestingHangFireDomainService : DrcAppDomainServiceBase, ITestingHangFireDomainService
private readonly IAppNotifier _appNotifier;
private readonly IUnitOfWorkManager _unitOfWorkManager;
private readonly UserManager _userManager;
public TestingHangFireDomainService(IAppNotifier appNotifier, UserManager userManager, IUnitOfWorkManager unitOfWorkManager)
_appNotifier = appNotifier;
_unitOfWorkManager = unitOfWorkManager;
_userManager = userManager;
public async Task NotifyUser()
using (_unitOfWorkManager.Begin())
var user = _userManager.Users.Where(u => u.Id == 2).FirstOrDefault();
await _appNotifier.SendMessageAsync(user.ToUserIdentifier(), "Testing HangFire", Abp.Notifications.NotificationSeverity.Info);
Hello, The project is configured such that canActivate and canActivateChild both run the same code. If I want to run a specific permission check on a specific route, can I override the canActivateChild or canActivate using a new guard?
Hello, The project I am working on is using .NET 4.6.1 (ASP.NET Core + Angular 2). If I want to switch and start using the one based on .NET Core, can I just download a new copy of the project and move my files there, or are there more major changes to be done?
Note that I do understand that I will lose the SignalR and LDAP features.
Thank you Bilal
Hello, Is the filter IPassivable enabled by default? I noticed today that the query is returning IsActive is true and those that have it as false.
Where can I check more info about that?
How to add a new language translations? Just add a new .xml file with the language code at the end similar to what you have done?
Is there a way also to separate my translations into another folder and rerference them in the project? This makes upgrading to newer version of the framework easier.