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Activities of "bilalhaidar"

No exceptions are generated.

Also, looking at Chrome Developer Tools, no request is sent to server.

I tried with .html and same issue.

Can you try it at your end?

Regards Bilal

Hello, Is there a way to configure the app to send out emails when exceptions (Internal Server Errors 500) occur?

If not, can you guide me what components might be used and how could such thing be built? I can contribute to building it.

Regards Bilal

Even with this, it doesn't work:

<div ng-include src="/App/tenant/views/refdata//createOrEditModal.cshtml" />

Thanks Ismail,

Once I reach the stage of deciding which way to go, I will rethink it more.

So my options are:

  1. Extend base view page in Razor and include a method to be used in Razor to decide if a field is to be shown or hidden
  2. Other option, bring in those rules to angular and then based on them, I show/hide fields on client side.

Maybe for the second option and to avoid showing fields all at once before the rules are loaded, is to resolve a property by calling server side to bring in the rules.

Regards Bilal

Yes :)

I thought of not deleting the post in case someone else faced the issue.

Regards Bilal


In one of the cases, I have a createModal and editModal. They both share the same form. So I thought of grouping the form in one single cshtml and load it inside both modals with:

<div ng-include="/App/tenant/views/refdata//createOrEditModal.cshtml" />

I can see with the Google Chrome developer tools that there is no request to server to bring in the cshtml file.

I've done this before outside this framework and works well.

Any idea?

Regards Bilal

I was missing this reference:

using Abp.Linq.Extensions;

Regards Bilal


In an AppService, I have this code:

var query = _manager.Shelters
                   t =>
                       t.ShelterCode.ToLower().Contains(input.Filter.Trim().ToLower()) ||

The _manager.Shelters is defined in the manager as:

public virtual IQueryable<Shelter> Shelters { get { return _repository.GetAll(); } }

Now, if I hover over query above, it says it is of type IEnumerable<Shelter>. I want it to stay IQueryable<Shelter> so that I can do additional filtering, sorting, etc.

I tried to remove (WhereIf), then if I hover over query it displays IQueryable<Shelter>

The same code used in TenantAppService, works fine there. Am I missing any namespace reference?


Maybe I should have defined the Id in CacheItem as of type TPrimaryKey, then it will work.

Thanks, I didn't find the thread useful. There was no solution.

The one thing I figured out is maybe I should have defined another class that inherits from the ReferenceDataManager in my case and used concrete types something like:

public class ConcreteReferenceDataManager : ReferenceDataManager<HostEntityBase, int>

Then in this class I can implement caching since all types are known.

Problem is when I had a CacheItem with Id of type int, I was storing the cache item in Cache. But then I had to map back to a type whose Id is of type TPrimaryKey. so I guess it doesnt work like that.

I saw many examples in your code, but none tries to store a concrete object and then retrieve it as a generic object.

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