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Activities of "bilalhaidar"


Hello, Is it possible for someone to change the Metronic theme? Is that too complicated? Any general guidance or recommendations?


Hi, While digging into the AbpFramework I saw the class below. Is this the place where DateTime properties coming from client are normalized to the current Clock Provider?

public class AbpApiDateTimeBinder : IModelBinder
        public bool BindModel(HttpActionContext actionContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
            var value = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(bindingContext.ModelName);
            var date = value?.ConvertTo(typeof(DateTime?), CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) as DateTime?;
            if (date != null)
                bindingContext.Model = Clock.Normalize(date.Value);

            return true;

Hi, I noticed that AbpJsonResult returns results to client by converting DateTime properties to whatever is configured at Clock.Provider.

Since Clock.Provider I configured to be UTC it means that dates are stored in the DB as UTC, correct? When returning data to client, shouldn't the Abp Framework convert those Dates to the user's TimeZone instead of using again Clock.Normalize?


Hi, The function "abp.timing.convertToUserTimezone" is defined twice:

  • In abp.moment.js
  • In abp.js

Why is it defined twice, and which one is active and why?


Hi, Throughout out the Abp projects, I noticed the use of TimeZoneInfo class to populate the dropdown of Timezones under Tenant and Host Settings.

In which cases the IANA codes are being used? Is it only for client-side (Moment)? Or also somewhere on the server as I cannot see related stuff for them?

Also, the TimeZoneConverter in its Convert methods always calls ConvertFromUtc methods in TimeZoneHelper. Why always From Utc?


Hi, I would like to know what's the additional features of ASPNET Zero Template over ASP.NET Boilerplate + Module Zero?

Thanks Bilal

Hi, I am looking at EntityFrameworkGenericRepositoryRegistrar.cs. In Castle Windsor, you can register generic interfaces with the Open Generics concepts.

Why did you need to do all the work in EntityFrameworkGenericRepositoryRegistrar.cs class to register the generic repositories and didn' just use Castle Windsor features?


Hi, In the documentation it mentions the following:

About IAbpSession IAbpSession interface must be implemented in order to get actual session informations. While you can implement it in your own way, it's fully implemented in module-zero project.

I cannot find that implementation in the module-zero project. There is only one implementation and it is the ClaimsAbpSession located in Abp project.

Is there anything missing? Thanks

Hi, I read the documentation and the order the different resolving contributors are checked for TenantId. Can you please guide me in the framework where in the code those resolvers are called and where the TenantId Claim is added to the list of claims?


Hi, In one of the AppServices, I am seeing the following code generated. So which code is being called? Because I noticed that one of them uses $http and the other uses abp.ajax to perform the code.

And from debugging, I noticed the Factory is being used. But why generated the other one?


var serviceNamespace = abp.utils.createNamespace(abp, '');

    serviceNamespace.getPocs = function(input, ajaxParams) {
        return abp.ajax($.extend({
            url: abp.appPath + 'api/services/app/personofConcern/GetPocs',
            type: 'POST',
            data: JSON.stringify(input)
        }, ajaxParams));


(function (abp, angular) {

    if (!angular) {
    var abpModule = angular.module('abp');
    abpModule.factory('', [
        '$http', function ($http) {
            return new function () {
                this.getPocs = function (input, httpParams) {
                    return $http(angular.extend({
                        url: abp.appPath + 'api/services/app/personofConcern/GetPocs',
                        method: 'POST',
                        data: JSON.stringify(input)
                    }, httpParams));
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