Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "bilalhaidar"

Thanks a lot.

I couldn't have solved it without your assistance.

Thanks a lot

Thanks. Can you please follow up on the GitHub issue I posted? You asked me if my AppService methods are designated with virtual or not. I really appreciate if you can have a look at it. Thank you

OK thank you. But how are cross-cutting concerns added to the system? I mean how does the IsApplied now that this concern is applied? I am building something similar and I need to understand how the framework knows that this cross cutting concern is applied or not.

Thank you

Thanks Ismail. But I couldn't find anywhere else where "AddApplied" is being used? Or maybe I am missing the idea, how are concerns applied and where? Thanks

Hi Ismail,

Actually, I am asking here about MVC Filters and not Castle Windsor interceptors. You once mentioned I can add MVC Filters to AppServices since with ASP.NET Core AppServices are considered controllers.

But then I noticed that I need to add some AspNet Core Dlls to the .Core project, so is that correct to do? Or better not to mix AspNet Core dlls inside .Core layer?



Hi, I faced the same issue few days ago and I resolved it by doing this in the Startup.cs file in the Web.Host project.

//Configure Abp and Dependency Injection
            return services.AddAbp<DrcAppWebHostModule>(options =>
                //Configure Log4Net logging
                    f => f.UseAbpLog4Net().WithConfig(System.IO.Path.Combine(_env.ContentRootPath, "log4net.config"))

I just configure the proper Path to the log4net.config file.

Try it.

HTH Bilal

Hello Ismail,

I am trying to add a new Filter to the AppService assembly instead of using a Castle Windsor Interceptor.

To create a new Controller's Filter, I must implement the interface (IAsyncActionFilter). This interface belongs to Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstractions.dll assembly.

Shall I add a reference to that assembly into the AppService layer? My first thought would be against adding that, but what do you suggest?

Shall I stick to an interceptor instead?


Thanks a lot.

Sure. Thank you

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