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Activities of "bilalhaidar"

As far as I understood, the Framework would run the validation (data annotations) before calling my AppService method correct? Then, if that is true, how can I send back a message to client? Will the framework give me a way to know that the input didn't meet the validation rules?

Correct. Thanks a lot for the explanation.

Yes it works now. Thanks a lot.

I had to install TypeScript for VS 2015 and things went fine.

The URL for that extension: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... x?id=48593</a>

Regards Bilal

Thanks for the input :-)

What I meant is that, an Admin would map a user to a tenant. In this case, the DB already has information that user1 belongs to tenant1. Correct?

Maybe I am not understanding well concept of multi-tenants.

Thanks a lot,


Thanks for your help.

All links are "Page not found" can you find the correct link and send it pls?

Many thanks, Bilal


So in other words, every action on an entity (changing 1 or more fields) causes UOW to save changes to DB?

So if I have 4 methods on an entity, each method to edit 1 property, I will end up hitting DB 4 times as each method would run and cause UOW to save data to the database?

Thanks, Bilal

Oh that's awesome. So, ASPNET Zero will automatically run my validations at the Application Service level.

I have 2 related questions in here:

1- If I want to return the validation errors to client side, how is that possible given that the template would through exception if inputs are invalid (something similar to ModelState.Errors, etc.)

2- In some requirements I have, I need to validate based on "values" not fields. What I mean is that I have some reference data (ID, Name) to fill some Select elements. Based on a specific value, I will validate other fields. Is this a good pattern to follow or is there a workaround? That reference data could change also (Admin can edit). Is that supported or is that okay to do? I smell something wrong, as data might change and hence my validations might fail!

many thanks,

regards Bilal

And one more thing, what's the added value of allowing Razor views with angular in a time you have to load separately since you cannot provide a model to a razor view in this case?


So I could use a sub-domain or append the tenant name to end of domain? something like <a class="postlink" href=""></a> ?

When users logs into the system, can't at that stage conclude the tenant id from the db? What has been configured before that user 1 belongs to tenant 1?


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