Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "bilalhaidar"



Is the Abp Source code available to view? I have a technical curiosity to see how some of the nice features are developed.

Thank you, Bilal


I got the Admin for the Default tenant locked out. I don't know why this happened. How to fix that?

Thanks Bilal



Is there an example of using CacheManager in an AppService to see how to save/get data?



I noticed that the application is configured to use Bearer Tokens.

What else I need to configure so that WebAPI calls could make use of those tokens on mobiles instead of cookies?

Thanks, Bilal



In the AccountController.cs code I noticed the following:

await _notificationSubscriptionManager.SubscribeToAllAvailableNotificationsAsync(user.ToUserIdentifier());

When defining Notifications, where do we specify notifications that is available for users? What is meant by the code above?

So far I noticed there are only 2 notifications defined. So how does Notification work in this case?

                new NotificationDefinition(
                    displayName: L("NewUserRegisteredNotificationDefinition"),
                    permissionDependency: new SimplePermissionDependency(AppPermissions.Pages_Administration_Users)

                new NotificationDefinition(
                    displayName: L("NewTenantRegisteredNotificationDefinition"),
                    permissionDependency: new SimplePermissionDependency(AppPermissions.Pages_Tenants)


Hi, I read this in the documentation:

Note: In a multi-tenant application, two factor authentication is available to tenants only if it's enabled in the host settings. Also, email verification and SMS verification settings are only available in the host side. This is by design.

What do you mean by SMS and Email verification are only available in the host side. In other words, if admin of host enables SMS Verification, then all tenants would use SMS Verification without being able to disable or so?



I noticed something which doesn't make sense in the AppSettingProvider when it comes to adding a new SettingDefinition for the AllowSelfRegistration.

The code uses


Should it use something like this?


This is the code for the AppSettingsProvider I have:

public class AppSettingProvider : SettingProvider
        public override IEnumerable<SettingDefinition> GetSettingDefinitions(SettingDefinitionProviderContext context)
            context.Manager.GetSettingDefinition(AbpZeroSettingNames.UserManagement.TwoFactorLogin.IsEnabled).DefaultValue = false.ToString().ToLowerInvariant();

            var defaultPasswordComplexitySetting = new PasswordComplexitySetting
                MinLength = 6,
                MaxLength = 15,
                UseNumbers = true,
                UseUpperCaseLetters = false,
                UseLowerCaseLetters = true,
                UsePunctuations = false,

            return new[]
                       //Host settings
                        new SettingDefinition(AppSettings.TenantManagement.AllowSelfRegistration,ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[AppSettings.TenantManagement.UseCaptchaOnRegistration] ?? "true"),
                        new SettingDefinition(AppSettings.TenantManagement.IsNewRegisteredTenantActiveByDefault,ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[AppSettings.TenantManagement.IsNewRegisteredTenantActiveByDefault] ??"false"),
                        new SettingDefinition(AppSettings.TenantManagement.UseCaptchaOnRegistration,ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[AppSettings.TenantManagement.UseCaptchaOnRegistration] ?? "true"),
                        new SettingDefinition(AppSettings.TenantManagement.DefaultEdition,ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[AppSettings.TenantManagement.DefaultEdition] ?? ""),
                        new SettingDefinition(AppSettings.Security.PasswordComplexity, defaultPasswordComplexitySetting.ToJsonString(),scopes: SettingScopes.Application | SettingScopes.Tenant),

                        //Tenant settings
                        new SettingDefinition(AppSettings.UserManagement.AllowSelfRegistration, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[AppSettings.UserManagement.UseCaptchaOnRegistration] ?? "true", scopes: SettingScopes.Tenant),
                        new SettingDefinition(AppSettings.UserManagement.IsNewRegisteredUserActiveByDefault, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[AppSettings.UserManagement.IsNewRegisteredUserActiveByDefault] ?? "false", scopes: SettingScopes.Tenant),
                        new SettingDefinition(AppSettings.UserManagement.UseCaptchaOnRegistration, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[AppSettings.UserManagement.UseCaptchaOnRegistration] ?? "true", scopes: SettingScopes.Tenant)

Thank you, Bilal


I am still very new to this template and I got overwhelmed seeing all these features.

Is there a user-guide documentation on how to use and configure existing features?

For example, I want to configure an Admin per Host. Then create a new Tenant with its own Admin that can access only that tenant and create users only under that tenant.

Thanks, Bilal


I just downloaded a project. When I compile the entire solution in VS, I got the error in the Web app:

tsc.exe exited with code 1

any idea?



I visited this link and it says, not found:

<a class="postlink" href=""></a>

What is the correct URL for GitHub?

Thanks, Bilal

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