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Activities of "bryan"

Are there any plans to move Abp.AspNetZeroCore and the other .Net Core libraries to NetStandard? Currently it forces all libraries depending on .Core to be of .Net Core type (as opposed to NetStandard and all its benefits)

First timer, so bear with me..

Can we propose to change the DateTime fields for Auditable entities to DateTimeOffset? that should help representing a very specific point in time

All libraries should be netstandard 2.0 at least to help with compatibility, any dependencies on libraries that include AbpNetZeroCore (which I believe has the License check code) needs to be built to .NET Core 2, is this possible or in the works?

Why not use .net core abstractions for Dependency injection, Logging and Configuration instead of using Castle abstractions? This is limiting for users which don't want to use Castle

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