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Activities of "chauey"

Hello All,

  1. What type of apps have you seen or think are good or bad with ASP.NET ZERO, pros and cons, and why? For example, apps for healthcare, online banking, code generation, startup, enterprise, ... thoughts? (Angular 7/.net core 2.2 version)

  2. How best to know/convince if a current code base should adopt ASP.NET ZERO, use it's framework, and just drop in any custom codes? How to sell it to existing project/code-base; top reasons for switching the foundation/framework.

  3. Is 2FA fully implemented now? details?

  4. Server-side errors and input validations errors on server, how handled?

  5. Why not reactive forms and any plans?

  6. And with the license, we can make 1 product and resell to many customers, right? No extra charge? What is the main limitation, just the number of products and devs, not adding more tenants right?

  7. How to make it into PWA? How best to get biometric sign-in mobile? PWA, hybrid, nativeScript, Xamarin?

  8. Any tenant feature like global announcements to the tenant's customers when they log in?

BTW, I bought the license twice already but barely had time to use each time. Interested to convince clients to use; very much appreicated if you can answer thoroughly.


If we generate multiple entities with multiple lookup/related/FK entities, they will each have these generated. They conflict in swagger and we need to edit the code.

When in the future might I need these? Might it be better to change the generator to just have a single generic one for each, and the dev can add/extend when needed?

The more we generate, the more code we need to fix. Thought on how this will play out, current plans? Thanks.

Hello all,

Is there any client-side input validation? I generated some forms with the AspNetRadTool, but when I edit something, the save button is disable but does not show any messages so it's hard to know which form item is invalid. How does that work and the server-side validation/messages work? Improvements in the future?

The forms are not reactive forms?

BTW, we can regen using the RadTool because it writes out some entity.json files? Any docs on that? There is a IsRegenerate bool flag in there, what is that for?


I see there is a file upload UI to "Change profile picture" from the user login dropdown menu, and also another UI to upload multiple files in Demo UI Components. There is some server code DemoUiComponentsController.cs UploadFiles(). How far are these and what are they missing? Wasn't able to upload a profile picture (UPDATE: oh it may have saved to ....Web.Host\wwwroot\Temp\Downloads but i'm having some error updating/viewing it), and not sure the other one stored the file anywhere or referenced in the database.

I need to upload some zip files and reference them. Are there any great examples/guidance how to do this? Not sure all the options on where to store, DB features for storing binary in tables or linked, exposing/securing to be downloaded by tenant or public. A well thought out implementation would be fantastic! Thanks!

Using <a class="postlink" href=""> ...</a>, I was able to get OData endpoints up, but how can I get a Swagger/OAI doc for it? Any sample codes or guidance?

Also, when I try to get the $metadata, it doesn't show much: {"result": {"schemaElements": [{"declaredKey": [{"defaultValueString":null,"propertyKind":1,"type":{"isNullable":false,"definition":{"name":"Int32","namespace":"Edm","typeKind":1,"primitiveKind":9,"schemaElementKind":1,"fullName":"Edm.Int32"}}


How can i add new permissions ?

I have a page name with "Manage Projects" so i want this page should access only by Tenant and its user not by super admin.

I have a AppService name with "PaymentProcessAppService" that is working fine with the angular app. Now i need to initialize the PaymentProcessAppService in quartz job execute method. I am using IRepository<PaymentCardDetail> in PaymentProcessAppService.

I am trying to resolve the dependency with this code

public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
            var container = new WindsorContainer();

            IPaymentProcessAppService paymentProcessAppService = container.Resolve<IPaymentProcessAppService>();

it give me error:

Castle.MicroKernel.Handlers.HandlerException: 'Can't create component 'Ncg.Payment.PaymentProcessAppService' as it has dependencies to be satisfied.

'Ncg.Payment.PaymentProcessAppService' is waiting for the following dependencies:

How can i resolve the dependency ? I need to initialize my app service only and call a function.

Has anyone upgrade to VS.NET 2017 and gotten this error: Could not find 'UserSecretsIdAttribute' on assembly '..Web.Host, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

Where is public website if downloaded the Angular 2 codes? thx

Hello all,

Any have any packages, libraries, code, advice on how best to add subscription/payment, forums, and other modules? Thanks!

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