Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "cicciottino"

no particular reason, just a quick way to have a javascript object similar and (and already with "camelCase" notation) to the server one. Only a way to be less typing error prone

forgive me for my english

good!, i accomplished this configuring the state provider as follow (inside app.js)

.state('poieditor', {
                    url: '/poieditor/:id',  //<--id parameter
                    templateUrl: '/App/Main/views/poi/editor.cshtml',
                    menu: 'PoiEditor'

and injecting into the controller the relative "$stateParams" service in order to recover the parameter

var _id = $;

i fond out that the UI Angular router offers a great flexibility this is a nice article (can be useful to someone) [])


Stupid me :roll: Thanks

thanks a lot, here is my project ready to download (with migrations and seed data) [])

Are there in your example projects some part that uses the javascript function(the ajax

calls to the services) made for jquery instead of angular? if yes, where? thank 1000 for you kind and active cooperation


so i've simplified my repo(se below) to restrict the research field but the problem

persist. the strange thing is that the execution is repeted twice (like in async way)

my ApplicationService (PoiAppService):

public class PoiAppService : ApplicationService, IPoiAppService
        private readonly IPoiRepository _poiRepository;

        public PoiAppService(IPoiRepository poiRepository)
            _poiRepository = poiRepository;

        public GetPoisOutput GetPois()
            var pois = _poiRepository.GetAllPois();
            return new GetPoisOutput
                Pois = Mapper.Map<List<PoiDto>>(pois)


my repository (PoiRepository)

public class PoiRepository : AbpZeroSampleRepositoryBase<Poi, long>, IPoiRepository
        public PoiRepository(IDbContextProvider<AbpZeroSampleDbContext> dbContextProvider)
            : base(dbContextProvider)

        public List<Poi> GetAllPois()
            var query = GetAll();
            query.Where(x=>x.Id == 91);  //an existing id, just to test
            return query.OrderByDescending(x => x.Name).ToList(); 

i've notice also that: in the browser's developer tool, the script "GetAll.js" is

downloaded 2 times, sholud it be unique, really? In an old example project "SimpleTaskProject" i see only one "GetAll.js" (the only

difference is that my project has ModuleZero installed (from the template) is this script generated on applicationLayer basis? how can i investigate deeply?

see the image

thanks a lot, i didn't know the existance of this class!


you're right i've duplicated the DbSet's

so now i got this error on the Account/Login

There should be a 'Default' tenant if multi-tenancy is disabled!

where i should provide this default value? in the model? in the seed method? directly into the db?


i did so, but i don't like

in the application layer

public DeleteDocumentOutput DeleteDocument(DeleteDocumentInput input)
            var document = _documentRepository.FirstOrDefault(input.Id); 
            if (document == null) 
                throw new Exception("Can not found the document!"); 


            return new DeleteDocumentOutput 
                Id = document.Id   //<----

in the angular controller

                }).success(function(value) {

                    vm.documents.forEach(function (element, index, array) {
                        if ( === {


could i do it better?

yep, it was cache browser fault :-/ thanks

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