Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "darwinrc"


Hello, all

I managed to deploy my app to azure, created the application and the database there, but I cannot get the EF migrations working, the tables just don't get created.

Is there any special consideration regarding this deployment?

Thanks in advance.


Thanks for your answer.

I will try and let you know.

I see now,

I'll try to implement it and let you know.

Thanks a lot!

Hi, hikalkan

await _roleManager.CreateStaticRoles(tenant.Id);

Can't understand where are the static roles to create for the tenant. I need to create, e.g. "Leader", "Seller", "Admin", "Agent" roles for each tenant.

Thanks a lot!

Hello, hikalkan

Thanks for your quick answer.

I managed to do what you explained in the post, but I keep having a doubt regarding it: Can you please show me a snippet example for granting permissions for a role in that context of the tenant? That's where I don't know how to do it since in ModuleZeroSampleProject it's done in the seeds using de DBContext.

Thanks again for your help.


Thanks for your answer.

I'll take it into account and build a controller to handle the upload.


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