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Activities of "davidharrison"

@maliming thank you for your suggestion.

In the end, the issue wasn't whether or not it was synchronous/asynchronous but rather that the repository inserts needed to work with a new object each time, rather than one object that got modified for each insert.

public async Task AssignOrUpdateRoles(CreateOrUpdateTeamUserRoleInput input)
            input.AssignedTeamUserRoles.Where(n => n.Assigned == "true").ToList().ForEach(async i =>
                    var teamUserRole = new TeamUserRole
                        OrganizationUnitId = input.TeamUser.OrganizationUnitId,
                        TenantId = AbpSession.TenantId,
                        UserId = input.TeamUser.UserId,
                        RoleId = i.Id

                    if (!_teamUserRoleRepository.GetAll().Any(n => n.UserId == teamUserRole.UserId
                    && n.RoleId == teamUserRole.RoleId
                    && n.OrganizationUnitId == teamUserRole.OrganizationUnitId
                    && (teamUserRole.TenantId == null || n.TenantId == teamUserRole.TenantId)))
                        await AssignRoles(teamUserRole);
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