I'm trying to upgrade our solution to 4.5.1 .... but in VS 2015 I'm geting folowing error:
Error CS0012 The type 'Attribute' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51'.
Please help!
I've noticed that the languages are stored with their traslated names. I think that they should always be stored with their native names.
Example: German -> Deutsch
Kind regards
When I was upgrading my solution to version 4.1.0 I've noticed two things:
ScriptPaths.cs: path for angular javascript file is changed from "angular.min.js" to "angular.js". Is there any specific reason for this change?
Languages: new column "IsDisabled" is added, but I don't see any code changes to support this column. Are you planning to implement this in next release?
Kind regards
today I've tried to upgrade our AngularJs 1.x 4.0.0 solution to 4.1.0, but for some reason after applying "201706200346086_Update_ABP_Migrations" migration, EF thinks that the data model has pending changes.
Steps which I did:
what I noticed is that after updating database structure (201706200346086_Update_ABP_Migrations) I get warning message in PMC saying:
Unable to update database to match the current model because there are pending changes and automatic migration is disabled. Either write the pending model changes to a code-based migration or enable automatic migration. Set DbMigrationsConfiguration.AutomaticMigrationsEnabled to true to enable automatic migration. You can use the Add-Migration command to write the pending model changes to a code-based migration.
In the database I see that the migration was executed(new line in MigrationHistory table).
If I call "Add-Migration" in PMC I will get a migration file with all changes which I did since 4.0.0.
Has anybody an idea what is going on?
Best regards
we are tying to use SlimScroll in our project, but for some reason it's not working correctly.
In app.js file from metronic theme everything looks ok.
even if we call App.initSlimScroll('.scroller') doesn't work always.
Does anyone know where the problem is?
in our system we would like to share one entity between host and tenant like this:
Our entity implements FullAuditedEntity, IMayHaveTenant interfaces, but for some reason tenants are not able to see enitites added by host.
basically we would like to have same funcinality like you did with application languages.
Could you please tell us what we are doing wrong?
Kind reagards
on our development server we are hosting our application on IIS with virtual directory and we have noticed that we are not able to change language.
I think it has something to do with cookies (wrong path is stored in cookie).
We are using ASP.NET 5 MVC + AngualarJs 1.x solution v3.4.0.0 [20170412] .
Kind regards
I've used ASP.NET CORE + ANGULAR 4.x template and I did follow both of your guides (Getting Started and Merge Angular2 Client and Server projects), but when I try to compile in VS 2017 I get folowing error on multiple files:
Error TS2304 Cannot find name 'Promise'. e2e (tsconfig project)
I've noticed that both guides are not up to date (Angular 4.0) and now I'm not sure if something is missing or did I do something wrong.
Best regards