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Activities of "dmux"

This one is resolved now.

I updated Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk to 16.3.0 (from 16.2.0). This changed the error messages, which led me to the solution. The wildcard selection of DLLs in the Azure test selection picks up xUint DLLs as well. Changing the selection is the solution, which I learned from this advice

I found that I could not figure out what all the exclusions would need to be (The ones listed in that website didn't seem sufficient), so instead I explicitly specified the MyProjectTests.dll file without a wildcard.

Unit tests now run in Azure.

This is now resolved.

The errors arose because none of the minified .js files were on the app service. I'm guessing that's what NPM does, but i don't know why I wasn't getting them deployed.

In the end I found that, although I thought it not relevant, I had some differences in my pipeline from the configuration in

When I went back and set mine up precisely as that document recommends it works.

I had used the Pipeline created by Visual Studio "Configure Continuous Depoyment", and adapted it. It uses different tools for the build and test, so there must be some difference there.

tl;dr: it's resolved.

Perfect! Thank you.

Angular wasn't what I needed - I'm creating a data transfer client, not a UI. But in the article you linked to, this was precisely what I hoped for:

AbpAspNetCore().DefaultWrapResultAttribute.WrapOnSuccess = false;

On further searching I found this fiddle:, which gave me the pieces that seem to work, no installation packages required!

I have everything in the .html file at the moment and the calendar appears, so now I'll put everything in the right places.

Leaving this here in case anyone else needs it.

It's up! Version 8.0 with Core 3.0 support is available for download.

I just downloaded the v8.0 project and all went smoothly. Thanks team, I've been waiting for this so that I can add my OData support!

I know this is closed two years ago, but for those (like me) finding this solution from a search...

The solution above did not work for me, and I was also reluctant to edit the ModalManager.js in case a future upgrade of ASPNETZERO reverted my change.

So I did this in my CreateOrEditModal.js file, in the "this.init" function, right after invoking summernote():

       $('.note-editing-area').keydown(function (e) {
           if (e.which === 13) {

Because SummerNote uses the note-editing-area class for its text input box.

Wow! Cool.

Thanks so much. Just updated and tried it out, and everything works. Great job.

By the way, this RAD tool is the reason I purchased ASPNetZero instead of building on ABPBoilerplate. Both the RAD tool itself and also the other features in ASPNetZero are well worth the price, but it was the RAD tool that sold me.

Updating this...

When I copy/paste the clockface.css into the css for my dashboard widget, it displays correctly. This gets me going, but I'm looking for advice on how to do things more neatly - I don't want to copy/paste this .css to individual page style sheets.

Hi Maliming,

Thanks for replying. I don't know where "plugins" is...

But I went back and did some more experimenting. I have added the clockface.css to view-resources/Areas/App/Views/-Bundles/customizable-dashboard-libs.min.css, because that comes further down in the list of included bundles. That worked ok.

Now I can use the clockface in any of my widgets and their modals because they all load that bundle. That's good enough for me.

Thanks again.

Hi ismcagdas,

Thank you for following up.

I have had a chance to dig a bit deeper and I think I have found the issue.

In Core/DashboardCustomization/Definitions/DashboardConfiguration.cs this is the pattern provided in the default project:

var tenantWidgetsDefaultPermission = new List

var dailySales = new WidgetDefinition(
    side: MultiTenancySides.Tenant,
    usedWidgetFilters: new List<string> { dateRangeFilter.Id },
    permissions: tenantWidgetsDefaultPermission

var generalStats = new WidgetDefinition(
    side: MultiTenancySides.Tenant,
    permissions: tenantWidgetsDefaultPermission


... and so forth. I haven't yet removed all thses default widgets from my project so they are all still there.

What happens is that each new widget definition sets its "permissions" to be a pointer to the list called "tenantWidgetsDefaultPermission". The result is that all widgets end up with the same list, which includes any added permissions like the one listed on the last line here. This is why all my widget users required AuditLogs permission for every widget, when they should only require that permission for GeneralStats.

What I did to stop this behaviour is I added ".ToList()" when setting the widget "permissions" property, so that the permissions list would be a new object. This resolved the issue, like this:

var generalStats = new WidgetDefinition(
    side: MultiTenancySides.Tenant,
    permissions: tenantWidgetsDefaultPermission.ToList()

There might be nicer ways to do it, but this works for me for the moment.

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