hi All:
With version 1.3 of the RAD Tool, on Windows in Visual Studio, for the Angular/Core style - prior to 1.3 it was working great, now it writes the back end stuff but NOT the .Web.Host/src/app/main/ folder of client side files.
Just me, or are others seeing this issue?
What is the logic behind having multiple domains for your product/SaaS offering???? Why would you want more than one domain name for your business? If customers go to MyBrand.com, then they also have to remember MyOtherURL.com too??
Why the decision to make the public landing pages completely separate and hosted at separate URL? What business use does this serve??
Before, with the Angular1 and MVC 5 version, you have your landing pages with no login required, and then when you login, the SPA lives under /Application#
Then only one domain name to remember, to brand, to backup, to deploy, and to pay for hosting on.
What about the current Core MVC + jQuery solution - why could it not have landing pages at base url mybrand.com? - and put all the admin/login required part - under mybrand.com/app ??? What would someone need to change to put it back to working like that??
I see this happened with version 4.1.0 of ASP.NET Zero:
V4.1.0 (2017-06-23) Public web site is moved to a separated project (and authentication integrated to the main application).
Possible to get guidance on how to get back to not separated project?
Hi all:
Anyone using VS Code as their IDE? I have a dumb question... if using VS Code then how do you do Package Manager Console things like "Update-Database?"
Or is anyone using Visual Studio for Mac? There is a Package Console "pad" in Visual Studio for Mac but you cannot type into it... so how to do "Update-Database" there?
Any advice on getting set up for ASP.NET Zero dev on a Mac?
I am slowly trying to get the Angular/Core projects working on a mac... forgive my cluelessness...
So for the Angular/ASP.NET Core version:
I can see how to choose one solution and deploy both client and back end of SPA to one URL.
Then if you wish to deploy the public site you would need a different URL, correct?
and you have the option to deploy the client side to one URL, the back end to another, and the public to a 3rd URL.
But most of us probably want all three at one URL.
With ports, this is very feasible.
With Azure, and no ports, how to do?
Ideally someone visits <a class="postlink" href="http://mycustomdomain.com">http://mycustomdomain.com</a> and sees public site. Then I can link them to the client SPA at <a class="postlink" href="http://mycustomdomain.com/spa/">http://mycustomdomain.com/spa/</a> and the angular routing handles everything under spa (or app or whatever is specified).
Then I need only one domain name, and can keep everything branded to that one domain name. I can have spa/angular section and mvc/public section and both integrate to same auth database and I can have my cake and eat it too.
Is this currently possible with all-in-one solution for Angular/Core version?
It was that way with Angular 1/MVC version.
Is it possible we could get access to the DLLs for the new RAD Tool... well and the codebase for the UI for it... so that we can modify it and extend it?
In particular it would be nice if the Angular components created were named based on the entity instead of the namespace, in case one wants to group more than one entity in a namespace.
But I imagine it would be fun to extend the tool in multiple ways... for example add an option to generate necessary files for a "Download as Excel" button. Or add column of checkboxes to the table with Select All and "bulk actions" functionality, etc. Or add ability to tie to related model like Users entity but that gets complicated and maybe better to use tool then modify to suit.
Is it in github? We could access and fork and add stuff to submit back?
Hats off to the ASP.NET Zero team though - the tool is WONDERFUL!! and a huge time saver!!!!!
If I am looking at an Angular/Core solution, e.g. I have opened up MyProject.All.sln in Visual Studio... where do I look for the version number that I have e.g. latest at the moment is 5.0.6 ?
This is minor issue.. but when running in debug mode anyone know how to keep Visual Studio 2017 from expanding the Script Documents folder automatically every time?
I have a JS delete function that works fine:
vm.deleteIssue = function (issue) {
app.localize('IssueDeleteWarningMessage', issue.id, issue.label),
function (isConfirmed) {
if (isConfirmed) {
id: issue.id
}).then(function () {
and now I am trying to add a way to delete multiple items at once:
vm.bulkDeleteIssues = function () {
function (isConfirmed) {
if (isConfirmed) {
vm.selectedIssues = $scope.gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows();
var issueIds = [];
for (var index in vm.selectedIssues) {
ids: issueIds
}).then(function () {
my app service has this:
public async Task BulkDeleteIssues(EntityDto[] ids)
foreach (EntityDto id in ids)
await DeleteIssue(id);
How should I best package the array of id's that I want to delete? In the case above I get back a 400 Bad Request:
angular.js:12433 POST http://localhost:6240/api/services/app/issue/BulkDeleteIssues 400 (Bad Request)
(anonymous) @ angular.js:12433
sendReq @ angular.js:12178
serverRequest @ angular.js:11930
processQueue @ angular.js:16689
(anonymous) @ angular.js:16733
$eval @ angular.js:18017
$digest @ angular.js:17827
(anonymous) @ angular.js:18056
completeOutstandingRequest @ angular.js:6131
(anonymous) @ angular.js:6411
setTimeout (async)
Browser.self.defer @ angular.js:6409
$evalAsync @ angular.js:18054
(anonymous) @ angular.js:16561
scheduleProcessQueue @ angular.js:16733
then @ angular.js:16658
chainInterceptors @ angular.js:11858
$http @ angular.js:11845
bulkDeleteIssues @ GetAll?type=angular&v=636403114446312803:85
(anonymous) @ index.js:230
(anonymous) @ abp.sweet-alert.js:99
T @ sweet-alert.min.js:1
abp.js:350 ERROR:
abp.js:350 {code: 0, message: "Your request is not valid!", details: "The following errors were detected during validation.
↵ -
↵", validationErrors: Array(1)}
and I am unsure how to debug what is happening during validation. Also tried with a list on the server side... public async Task BulkDeleteIssues(List<EntityDto> ids)
I imagine I am doing something really stupid and not understanding how it works to go from JS to server side code?
Any advice for this newbie appreciated!
If I npm start in development, my app works great. If I ng build -prod then I get the following errors... suggestions?
PS C:\Code\Research1\angular\nswag> ng build -prod
26% building modules 135/135 modules 0 activeTemplate parse warnings:
The <template> element is deprecated. Use <ng-template> instead ("
[WARNING ->]<template [ngIf]="!isClosed">
<div [class]="'alert alert-' + type" role="alert" [ngClass]="classes""): ng:///C:/Code/Research1/angular/node_modules/
ngx-bootstrap/alert/alert.component.d.ts.AlertComponent.html@1:0 29% building modules 161/163 modules 2 active
...de\Research1\angular\src\polyfills.tsThe final argument to magicString.overwrite(...) should be an options object. S
ee https://github.com/rich-harrisHash: 2039610d45e09eed3b23
Time: 106219ms
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ERROR in ng:///C:/Code/Research1/angular/src/app/admin/demo-ui-components/demo-ui-selection.component.html (29,60): Expe
cted 1 arguments, but got 0.
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cted 1 arguments, but got 0.
ERROR in ng:///C:/Code/Research1/angular/src/app/admin/demo-ui-components/demo-ui-selection.component.html (29,60): Expe
cted 1 arguments, but got 0.
ERROR in ng:///C:/Code/Research1/angular/src/app/admin/demo-ui-components/demo-ui-selection.component.html (52,60): Expe
cted 1 arguments, but got 0.
I am trying to work through the Zero code to learn. If I am in the Application project, for example, in the Auditing folder, viewing the AuditLogListDto.cs file, and I see it is using Abp.Auditing -- how would I got about seeing Abp.Auditing from within the solution in Visual Studio? or where would I look? So that I can go look at how the underling AuditLog model is structured?
sorry if this is a dumb question, I am new to Microsoft ASP.NET and Visual Studio world.