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Activities of "dparizek"

Actually the rest of the application has plenty of examples of full CRUD, like for users for example, so I was just being stupid.

Has anyone else tried to get it going in VS Code on Windows or Mac?

I was not necessarily expecting a full guide, although that would be wonderful, more some direction on how to get started. I have tried "dotnet build" in several places where this is a project.json file but always get an error about missing dependencies.

So a getting started in VS Code guide would be helpful.

I saw this issue and it turned out because I failed to put empty object in request body. i.e. - put {} only in request body.

Also, perhaps existing clients of zero have already added some cms features on their own that they would hopefully be willing to contribute back to the anz? This would be in their best interests since it would then allow the asz team to focus elsewhere on yet more features (-:


Sending the ASP.NET Zero time huge virtual wishes that coding of this goes fast and well. May you code like the wind. I am anxiously waiting for it to be released as I am waiting for it to start a big project. (-:


SPA. and works fine now. I had stupid bug on my part, sorry.


I can get the file to compile fine.

I just cannot get it to show up on the site. Like it is not getting included somehow. But that should be happening automatically, right?

From docs: "All scripts and styles in the App folder (and subfolders) are bundled (see AppBundleConfig class). Any scripts and styles that you place there will be automatically added to the layout."

This is still correct right?


So if we are using VS2015, and install web compiler, less files automagically taken care of?

Are there any docs on how to mod the CSS where for what? and how that fits into the build system? That is all a VS extensions thing, not part of ABP correct?

In the tutorial I add the less file to make the People Delete and Edit buttons float right, but those styles never get included. Adding just a .css file does not get included either. I assume then nothing is automatically scanning for those files and then adding references somewhere. So I need to add a reference somewhere?

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