Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "drenton"


I just downloaded aspnet-zero-1.10.1 and aspnet-zero-1.11.1 for test,

1.10.1 works, 1.11.1 does not work.


The new templates work fine!

Thanks :D

Is this fixed?

Somehow, Save button does not close modal form.

I'm using Angular & Core version.

I published the Project.Web.Host first then used "NG Build -prod" command which creates dist folder, then I copy the folder to the server. now I can connect and log in the web site, but menu icons and other icons are displayed like this ㅁ

Which file do I need to add to '.angular-cli.json' file?


Thanks for answer @alirizaadiyahsi

I followed the steps but it does not work.

what is difference with my case and others are the extension.

When I read the resolved issues, at least, the files have the extensions. but the files created in my dist folder do not have extension "woff" , "woff2". they are like "Simple-Line-Icons.0cb0b9c589c0624c9c78" "fontawesome-webfont.af7ae505a9eed503f8b8" "fontawesome-webfont.b06871f281fee6b241d6"

I can see some files with extensions .eot .svg is this still the problem of IIS MIME setting?


The issue is from 1.5.1 angular/cli. <a class="postlink" href=""></a>


I'm using V4.5.0(.Net core 2.0 and angular 4)

When a notification is sent, the notification is not displayed until the page is reloaded.

Is there a way to update the notification icon count and message without reloading the page?

I think it works with ASP.NET MVC with jquery version before.

@ismcagdas Yes, this problem is solved.


Below codes runs under Hangfire task scheduler. it runs without an exception while someone is using the site, but if no one uses the site for a while, it throws an exception "Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'UserManagerProxy"

var isRankingPermissionGranted = await _permissionChecker.IsGrantedAsync(AppPermissions.Pages_Vehicles_Reporting_FinanceAndInsurance_Ranking);

I tried below code too but it does't work either.

using (_abpSession.Use(ui.TenantId, ui.UserId))
    var isRankingPermissionGranted = 
    await _permissionChecker.IsGrantedAsync(AppPermissions.Pages_Vehicles_Reporting_FinanceAndInsurance_Ranking);

It's resolved by constructor injection. The class looks like below, I removed others for readability.

public class FinanceAndInsuranceJob : BackgroundJob<FinanceAndInsuranceJobArgs>, ITransientDependency
     private readonly IPermissionChecker _permissionChecker;
     private readonly IAbpSession _abpSession;
     public FinanceAndInsuranceJob(
         IPermissionChecker permissionChecker,
         IAbpSession abpSession)
         _permissionChecker = permissionChecker;
         _abpSession = abpSession;

I created two separate jobs by 2 different user account. then I logged out 1 account. after 20~30 minutes, the job created by currently logged in user works. but the other does not.

Asp.Net Zero 4.0 [Angular4, Core 2.0 version]

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