Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "edvin"

Hi !

I'm new customer of ASP.NET Zero. After week reading documents, testing, i must say: Great work !! You made great job, solve a lot of problems. Realy great ! It worth any € I paid.

In some other posts i noticed you have plans to support .NET Core in 2Q2017. This is great. For us supporting .NET Core platform is main feature for near future. I belive i'm not alone.

So, my questions are:

Entity Framework Core

  1. Some ASP Boilerplate features (like filtering) not supported. In EF6 repositories filters tennants, softdeleted entities, etc. Is this working in EF7 too ? So what not supporting filters realy mean ?

  2. We are starting new project. When it will be finished it should run on .NET Core. We know that EF6 will not support .NET Core, so we need to choose EF7 on the end. What do you suggest ? Start with EF7 at begginnig with all limitations or start with EF6 and switch to EF7 after ?

    IRepository<TEntity> should hide EF implementation. Correct ? So changing EF6 to EF7 should be transparent without changing any code in appServices. Is this true in reality or only theoretically ?

    Another story is Entity to DB mapping definitions. Are they same or should be changed when switching to EF7.

    As you see my question is all about changing EF6->EF7 or just start with EF7.

  3. ASP.NET Zero uses EF6. Can we just switch to EF7 and all code will still work as using EF6 ? If so, how we could do that ? If not, Zero project should be prototype project porting to .NET Core.

Dependices ASP.NET Boilerplate has dependices on some third party sollutions. Some of them has .NET Core support already, some not.

What changes/replacements you are planning to do when implementing support for .NET Core ? I think two you should do:

CastleWindsor -> AutoFac Log4Net -> Serilog

ASP.NET Zero & Angular 2+ Zero client side has jQuery dependency. Have you any plans to replace jQuery with some other ng2 components ? I know that grid you use is very powerfull, but i give priority to pure ng2 implementations.

After all i wrote, there is a lot of work to do. So expecting .NET Core support for boilerplate in 2Q2017 ... Is this real ? What about ASP.NET Zero ? in 2Q2017 too ?

Thanks for advance.



ASP.NET ZERO project is based on EntityFramework (EF6). Is it possible to add 3 new modules that are based on EF7 in same solution ?

I create 3 new modules (CIS.Task.Core, CIS.Task.EF, CIS.Task.Application) with EF6. Everything works perfect.

After that i replace EF6 with EF7 and made some modifications in code. At startup i get error:

Abp.EntityFramework.DbContextTypeMatcher.AddWithBaseTypes(Type dbContextType, List<Type> types) Abp.EntityFramework.DbContextTypeMatcher.Populate(Type[] dbContextTypes) Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.AbpEntityFrameworkCoreModule.RegisterGenericRepositoriesAndMatchDbContexes() System.Collections.Generic.List.ForEach(Action<T> action) Abp.Modules.AbpModuleManager.StartModules() Abp.AbpBootstrapper.Initialize()

What could be wrong ?

If i remove DepensOn attr on Task.EF From .Web.Core module there is no error on startup. But then i got error when executing appservice because ef module is not initialized and IRepository<Task> is not registered.

Please advice.

Thanks for advance.



is it possible to use IRepository<OrganizationUnit> inside custom context seed method. I create module with "organization unit dependency". So i wan't to seed some data into organizationunit entity from my module.

Is it possible and how ?

Thanks for advance.



I read "How to upgrade existing applications when a new version is available?" in FAQ. There is some main basic steps explained. Nothing more.

Is there some more details about upgrading in your docs, blobs or forums? Best practices, etc. How organize our code that upgrade should be easier ?

When i purchased Zero, i got vesion 3.05. Yesterday you published version 3.1 with many ng2 changes, Now i need to compare file by file.

Even everything will compile well, how i will know everything is made well ? I can make some security isues, because i missed some simple changes.

In future new upgrades will come. There Will be many many changes. Every upgrade can become nightmare.

Please advice.

Thanks for advance.



we want to split single swagger documentation to multiple documents based on f.e. on modules.

In swashbuckle we can use ApiExplorer setting decorator atribute or custom convention.

How we can do it if we use dynamic generation of webapi controllers (CreateControllersForAppServices in .NET core version) ? Is there any parameter ?

Thanks for advance.



we are building new ASP.NET zero applicacion arround existing database.

When mapping Entity.CreatorUserID (long) to SQL.CreatorID (int) we got mapping error.

So, is it possible to change IAudited to use int against long ?

Thanks for advance.


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