Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "eggersa"

The default behavior of a form within a ASP.NET Zero template is to disable the submit button until the form is valid. Since I have a rather large form with multiple tabs I enable the button always as its difficult for the user to figure out why the button might be disabled. Instead, I handle the error event of the service proxy and if there are any validation errors I explicitly highlight the tabs with invalid form data. = function () {
                vm.saving = true;
                customerService.createOrUpdateCustomer(vm.customer).success(function () {
                }).error(function (error) {
                    if (error.validationErrors && error.validationErrors.length > 0) {
                        // hightlight tabs with invalid form controls...
                }).finally(function () {
                    vm.saving = false;

Unfortunately I would like to disable the default behavior of a service error in this case. By default, the templates behavior is to show a SweetAlert popup with the error message. How can I override this behavior for this special case?

To me, the validation of DTOs seems like magic. Now, I was wondering how exactly the automatic validation of DTOs works behind the scenes?


When I try to run the ASP.NET Zero Solution (download was in the end of last week) I get the following error:

Castle.Windsor Warning: 0 : Exception when resolving optional dependency Dependency 'FeatureValueStore' type 'Abp.Application.Features.IFeatureValueStore' on component Abp.Application.Features.FeatureChecker., Castle.MicroKernel.CircularDependencyException: Dependency cycle has been detected when trying to resolve component 'MyProject.Authorization.Users.UserManager'.
The resolution tree that resulted in the cycle is the following:
Component 'MyProject.Authorization.Users.UserManager' resolved as dependency of
	component 'MyProject.MultiTenancy.Demo.TenantDemoDataBuilder' resolved as dependency of
	component 'MyProject.MultiTenancy.TenantManager' resolved as dependency of
	component 'MyProject.Editions.FeatureValueStore' resolved as dependency of
	component 'Abp.Application.Features.FeatureChecker' resolved as dependency of
	component 'Abp.Application.Features.FeatureDependencyContext' resolved as dependency of
	component 'MyProject.Authorization.Users.UserManager' resolved as dependency of
	component 'MyProject.Authorization.PermissionChecker' resolved as dependency of
	component 'MyProject.Web.Controllers.HomeController' which is the root component being resolved.

So far I didn't change anything in the code. Except some workarounds for .NET 4.6 features since I am using Visual Studio 2013 with .NET 4.5.2. But I do not think, that this has anything to do with the dependency resolution problem. Looking forward to fix this problem.

Showing 21 to 23 of 23 entries