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Activities of "elferone"


I'm wondering if it's possible with the zero framework to setup my controllers and controller actions to validate the user's roles instead of the user's permissions. This way, working with our customer, we could setup pre-defined roles and enforce those directly in the application (examples: Administrator, User, UserReadOnly, Supervisor, SectionSpecificUser, etc.).

We're encountering situations where we have "pages" that have dependencies on multiple permissions and we're looking at good solutions for this.

Thanks !

Angular & ASP.Net Core

ABP version 8.1

ABP framework 5.1.0

When I activate Entity History, It detects when I create and detele an entity. When I update an entity, It doesn't detected.

I follow all the instructions here : &&

Tryed both configurations :


Is there something missing ?

Angular & ASP.Net Core Asp.Net Zero version 9.3.0 ABP framework 5.14.0

In our project we are trying to allow machine to machine communication. For that, we enabled identity server. We created a client that support client_credentials. We were able to generate an access token with the client id and client secret. When we try to use this token to execute a http request, we always received 403 forbidden.

Is it something missing ?

The steps we took :

  1. Enable Identity Server in appsettings.json

  1. Added a client for client_credentials

  1. Using Postman, We were able to generate a token. we tried to do an HTTP Get Request to get all the users, but we received 403 forbidden

  1. When the backend received the call, an exception occurred in the class RegistraJwtSecurityTokenHandler

  1. Furthermore, when we took the token generated and go to, the token has an invalid signature

product version: 10.5 product type: Angular product framework: .net core

(OnLazyLoad) eventEmitter not fired when the primeNG (p-table) is in a modal. The problem is general to all the modals. This did not happen before upgrading to the latest version.

Example: When we try to login as a user, the list is always empty because the event is never triggered.

The call to the API is therefore never made.

(code from src\app\shared\common\lookup\common-lookup-modal.component.html)

getRecordsIfNeeds in never triggered

Thank you for your support.

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