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<cite>ismcagdas: </cite> Hi,

I have followed below approach in one of my previous projects.

  1. I have created POCO entities from existing database tables.
  2. Then I have created the initial migration file and deleted it's content.
  3. Applied this empty initial migration to database.
  4. Then I was able to use code first migrations for my new entities.

If you completely want to disable migrations, you can change this line <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ule.cs#L17</a> to



Can you please share the steps for doing this in .NET Core template?

I have emailed a link to my solution for you to review the error. I could not respond on the original thread as it has been locked.


Can someone from support please respond here. I have tried two template downloads and I keep getting this error. My project is not able to move forward.

I am unable to get past this error. Can someone from the support team please help here?

Amazing, that simple change worked!!

function CreateFundingSourceCombo(fsc, FSCAdd) {    
    var _comboService =;
        .done(function (result) {

:oops: You are correct. I did not notice that the plugin had some files. I thought it was part of core bootstrap function!

I added the missing CSS/JS bundles and it works!

However it seems to break the existing original modal. It clashes with the base bootstrap. It totally distorded my full width modal down into smaller modal and it was "Stacked" too. I will have to leave this idea for now and use another method.

In my table class I have setup a FK using the code below.

        public int ContributionFrequency { get; set; }
        public virtual ListValues ListValuesCF { get; set; }

In my ResidentFundingListDto I have the following two properties. public int ContributionFrequency { get; set; } public string ContributionFrequencyName { get; set; } The second one holds the "text" value for the frequency. This is what I display on my JTable grid.

Then I used the code shown below to display the "text" value on my JTable grid.

public async Task<PagedResultDto<ResidentFundingListDto>> GetResidentFundingSources(GetResidentFundingInput input)
               var query = from rf in _residentFundingRepository.GetAll()
                            select new ResidentFundingListDto
                                ActiveYesNo = rf.ActiveYesNo,
                                ContributionAmount = rf.ContributionAmount,
                                ContributionFrequency = rf.ContributionFrequency,
                                ContributionFrequencyName = rf.ListValuesCF.ListText, //This is a join to table named ListValues 
                                CreationTime = rf.CreationTime,
                                Id = rf.Id
                query = query.WhereIf(!input.Filter.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(), R => R.ResidentName.Contains(input.Filter));
                var resultCount = await query.CountAsync();
                var results = await query.OrderBy(input.Sorting).PageBy(input).ToListAsync();
                return new PagedResultDto<ResidentFundingListDto>(resultCount, results);

<cite>ismcagdas: </cite> Hi,

Is the type of "viewModel" string ? If so, you need to pass it like this

return View("~/Areas/Mpa/Resident/EditResident", (object)viewModel);

No viewModel is an actual viewmodal object.

I have a new requirement that needs me to switch my "profile" page back to a normal page and NOT a modal. So added the below code in the controller.

public async Task<ActionResult> EditResident(int id)
            //Call app service here and build view model (removed for forum post)
            return View("~/Areas/Mpa/Resident/EditResident", viewModel);

In my Index.js file for JTable I added the below code to open the view as a page:

actions: {
                    title: app.localize('Actions'),
                    width: '5%',
                    sorting: false,
                    list: _permissions.edit || _permissions.delete,
                    display: function (data) {
                        var $span = $('<span></span>');
                        if (_permissions.edit) {
                            $('<button class="btn btn-default btn-xs" title="' + app.localize('Edit') + '"><i class="fa fa-edit"></i></button>')
                                .click(function () {
                                    open("/Resident/EditResident/" +, "_self")
                        return $span;

When this runs I keep getting the Asp.Net view not found error page (see below). I have tried just the view name and full path, but neither seems to work?

The view '~/Areas/Mpa/Resident/EditResident' or its master was not found or no view engine supports the searched locations. The following locations were searched:

I have another question on this issue..

I have my modal and multiple service calls working just fine from the one modal save button. After the save button click, the modal is getting closed. I also am able to disable the modal closing. However a new issue, for each one of the "sections" on this large modal, after a new record is inserted I need to refresh my grids, with the newly inserted record. Right now the only way this works is by closing the modal and asking the user to click edit again to render the modal back. Is there a way I keep the modal open and still refresh all my grids on the various sections in the modal? Keep in mind, the entire modal is bound to one single view model which contains multiple list objects for all the various sections displayed on the modal.

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