Today I ran the desktop app and the hosted app side by side in chrome. I still cannot figure out what is missing on the hosted app? Here is an image from the chrome console, showing the exact line of JS where the error is thrown, on the hosted app. This happens on every single "Actions" button click and on the "language" dropdown on the top nav menu. The user dropdown, the notification dropdown and a custom dropdown for my app that are on the top nav all work just fine.
@ismcagdas - I'm not sure I follow what you are saying? However, the error is not coming from there. The error is happening when I change the language and the InServiceDate value changes from MM/DD/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS. This impacts the datepicker JS code I am using for CloseDate field.
@ryancyq, @ismcagdas - Thank you both for your help!
@ryancyq - Where would be the best place to use this override script so that I dont repeat it on each of my view scripts?
@ismcagdas - No it was not cache issue. I fixed it by using abp.ui.clearBusy('#tabDetails');
Can you answer my other question about how to style or change the look of the spinner?
@ismcagdas - Thank you!! That worked!!
One note for others that use the solution above, you do need to run the command "npm run create-bundles" after making the changes mentioned in the prior post.
Can you please tell me how I can change the look of the spinner used? I would like to use a different spinner with some text as well. I really like the one you have used on your demo portal of AspNetZero web site.
Update: I was just testing some more and when using the below code. The clearBusy is NOT working. The spinner just stays there.
if (!_$Form.valid()) {
var legalEntity = _$Form.serializeFormToObject();
).done(function () {
I did the rebudle option on the app-lib-layout file as you suggested. Still the same issue persists and the same error is getting logged in the console.
@ryancyq - Can you please provide a solution on this issue. I cannot seem to get BlockUI working on any page. I found this code in the app-layout-libs.js, this seems to be the source of the error getting logged in the console. What is this is doing or supposed to do?
` /* UI BUSY */ //Defines UI Busy API, not implements it
abp.ui.setBusy = function (elm, optionsOrPromise) {
abp.log.warn('abp.ui.setBusy is not implemented!');
On on my index page, I called blockUI using this code.
abp.ui.setBusy('.m-subheader .m-content');
But still I don't get any blocking and the error is getting logged in the console?