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Activities of "expertit"

Hello @Rodriguo,

Thanks for your help.

It was indeed a case sensitivity problem.

The name of the object in JSon returned by the app service was "eitLocationType",

while in the generated index.js, the name of this object was "eITLocationType" when used as a parameter for the _ createOrEditModal.Open method,

and was "EITLocationType" when assigning DataTable data properties.

I assume that this problem is due to the use of more than one uppercase letter at the beginning of the entity name.

Best regards,


Hi @ismcagdas

The use case is to support multi-lingual entity properties. The solution is :

  • an entity Expert and another entity ExpertLocal
  • ExpertLocal is linked with Expert and also with ApplicationLanguage
  • ExpertLocal contains the translated properties
  • when I access to expert.Name property, I want to get the Name in the current language by accessing experLocals.

Best regards Albert

Hello ismcagdas,

Thanks for your replies. We do like you explain in other .NET project not using AspNet Zero.

We make also some modifications in the DB Context to support the localization by adapting some treatments.

Best regards,



After making the change, it works.

Can you explain the difference between attributes,

AutoMap AutoMapFrom AutoMapTo

Because in the documentation, the following is used :

[AutoMapFrom(typeof(Person))] public class PersonListDto : FullAuditedEntityDto { public string Name { get; set; } public string Surname { get; set; } public string EmailAddress { get; set; } }

This is for List DTO

and for Input DTO (it's here that I made the mistake)

[AutoMapTo(typeof(Person))] public class CreatePersonInput { [Required] [MaxLength(Person.MaxNameLength)] public string Name { get; set; } [Required] [MaxLength(Person.MaxSurnameLength)] public string Surname { get; set; } [EmailAddress] [MaxLength(Person.MaxEmailAddressLength)] public string EmailAddress { get; set; } }


Best regards,


Hello alirizaadiyahsi,

I'm using Chrome, I cleared the cache, same result.

I tried with another browser Firefox, never used with this application and I get the same result.

I don't understand why the generated abp wep api controller is specifying HTTP Get verb and not POST.

Best regarsd,



I think also this is the solution.

I will try.

Thanks Albert

Hello ismcagdas,

I will try with your proposal about the use of areas.

As you say the best should to be to manage that via roles. But the problem is the following :

  • a person may be subject and/or expert
  • a user is only or subject or expert
  • according to the username, the user is redirected to the subject web application or to the expert web application.
  • but we need to communicate to the person via his email

Another solution is to use one user login and use a different URL like : or in order to redirect to the right web application but we want to use the "tenant" identification via URL. Is it sill work with URL like or ?

Or another solution could be to offer via menu, a way to go to the other application when the user has the two roles : subject and expert ?

Thanks for your help, Albert

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