We are using 5.3 core 2 with angular 5. what is the best way to upgrade? is there anyone can help us? Please need step by step instructions. Thanks
Is there any document for 5.4 release? whats knew?
is there any sample e-commerce application with asp.net core and angular 5?
I have a simple entity class - CompangTag and has two relational property
RAD tool does not work.
Entity class, services , database and angular side all files are created properly but in swagger UI it show this error: 500 : <a class="postlink" href="http://localhost:22742/swagger/v1/swagger.json">http://localhost:22742/swagger/v1/swagger.json</a>
also my application build succeed but it say ... Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) (index):92 Unable to Load SwaggerUI content-classes.js? [sm]:1230 PaymentInitiate loaded
Just checked Github. - 100% complete 0 open 41 closed what are the key features included in v5.3 release
Generating class by rad tools , it show a error message like this : cannot implicity convert int? to string
another problem I faced when serviceproxy is created at that time nswag=>refresh.bat is refresh more than 5 times otherwise the error cannot be resolve in service-proxy.module.ts class I want to generate service-proxy by one clicked of refresh.bat.
We created a namespace "LookupData" and added two class LookupDataCategory.cs
Name LookupData.Cs Name FK.LookupDataCategoryID Under the same namespace lookup data, it does not work and can't recognize LookupData namespace or navigation property link seems bad.
{{NP_Using_Looped_Template_Here}} using System; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema; using Abp.Domain.Entities.Auditing; using Abp.Domain.Entities;
namespace {{Namespace_Here}}.{{Namespace_Relative_Full_Here}} { [Table("{{Table_Name_Here}}")] public class {{Entity_Name_Here}} : {{Base_Class_Here}}{{Primary_Key_Inside_Tag_Here}} {{May_Or_Must_Tenant_Here}} { {{Tenant_Id_Here}}
{{Property_Looped_Template_Here}} {{Navigation_Property_Looped_Template_Here}} } } Please review
Its been three weeks, waiting for the updated version of RAD tool. Alfer wrote its done. Just checked <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero-core/tree/dev/aspnet-core">https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-ze ... spnet-core</a> and last update on RAD tool was 20 days again.
What is the best source code management tool suitable for asp.net zero project? Since asp.net zero using git, should we use the GIT instead of TFS.
We are also thinking how to migrate project in future to asp.net zero latest version.
do you have any guideline - How to commit asp.net core (separate) with angular to TFS