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Activities of "feloff"

Use your demo sites:

  • minimise the sidebar
  • try and access the administration submenus, e.g. Roles

Accordian: It isn't possible without maximising the sidebar first. If the visual settings is set to set show the sidebar menu as an accordian no submenu is shown.

If is set as a dropdown it shows the dropdown pops up at with an odd offset

Both screenshots taken from your demo applications, so completely unchanged code.

  • latest 9.0.1
  • default theme
  • didn't make any changes that I am aware of

Believe it is a bug introduced in changes when upgrading to metronic v7. The notifications used to be wrapped in a 'kt-checkbox-list' class and is now wrapped in a 'checkbox-inline' class. Changing it to 'checkbox-list' seems to solve it

No - gave up in the end. Would be great to get it to work as it would make it much easier to develop integrations tests, i.e. build a sequence/workflow of api calls, and performance tests for workflows using a test database.

Spent the day copying logic into the template only to have a moment of clarity after it was all done:

From docs

Filters can only be defined for the root Entity Type of an inheritance hierarchy.

Thank you - found a hack and it seems to work. Have a new issue with the data filter following the article though.

When I evaluate the generated SQL command of the IQuerayable prior to execution all seems fine. The filter and parameters seems to be captured (replaced the select columns with * for readability)

FROM `Comments` AS `c`
    SELECT `p*
    FROM `Programmes` AS `p`
    WHERE (@__ef_filter__p_1 OR NOT (`p`.`IsDeleted`)) AND ((@__ef_filter__p_2 AND (@__ef_filter__p_3 OR EXISTS (
        SELECT 1
        FROM `ProgrammeBrokers` AS `p0`
        WHERE ((@__ef_filter__p_6 OR NOT (`p0`.`IsDeleted`)) AND (`p`.`Id` = `p0`.`ProgrammeId`)) AND ((`p0`.`BrokerId` = @__ef_filter__CurrentTenantId_4) AND (`p0`.`Status` <> 2))))) AND (@__ef_filter__p_5 OR ((`p`.`ProtectionBuyerId` = @__ef_filter__CurrentTenantId_4) OR (`p`.`ProtectionBuyerId` IS NULL AND @__ef_filter__CurrentTenantId_4 IS NULL))))
) AS `t` ON `c`.`ProgrammeId` = `t`.`Id`
    SELECT `p1*
    FROM `ProgrammeAccess` AS `p1`
        SELECT `a*
        FROM `Approvals` AS `a`
        WHERE @__ef_filter__p_8 OR NOT (`a`.`IsDeleted`)
    ) AS `t0` ON `p1`.`AccessStatusId` = `t0`.`Id`
    WHERE @__ef_filter__p_7 OR NOT (`p1`.`IsDeleted`)
) AS `t1` ON `t`.`Id` = `t1`.`ProgrammeId`
    SELECT `p2`.`*
    FROM `ProgrammeBrokers` AS `p2`
    WHERE @__ef_filter__p_6 OR NOT (`p2`.`IsDeleted`)
) AS `t2` ON `t`.`Id` = `t2`.`ProgrammeId`
WHERE (`c`.`Discriminator` = 'ProgrammeComment') AND (@__ef_filter__p_0 OR NOT (`c`.`IsDeleted`))
ORDER BY `c`.`Id`, `t`.`Id`, `t1`.`Id`, `t1`.`Id0`, `t2`.`Id`

The final query only includes the isDeleted filter though and everything else is dropped

DbCommand (3ms) [Parameters=[@__ef_filter__p_0='False'], CommandType='Text', CommandTimeout='30']
      FROM `Comments` AS `c`
      WHERE (`c`.`Discriminator` = 'ProgrammeComment') AND (@__ef_filter__p_0 OR NOT (`c`.`IsDeleted`))

The documentation suggests that it should pass the values via the property and it should all flow through. My code includes

In the context:

        protected virtual bool CurrentIsBroker => GetCurrentIsBroker();
        protected virtual bool CurrentIsBuyer => GetCurrentIsBuyer();
        protected virtual bool CurrentIsSeller => GetCurrentIsSeller();

        protected override bool ShouldFilterEntity&lt;TEntity&gt;(IMutableEntityType entityType)
            if (typeof(IMustHaveProgramme).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TEntity)))
                return true;

            return base.ShouldFilterEntity&lt;TEntity&gt;(entityType);

        protected override Expression&lt;Func&lt;TEntity, bool&gt;> CreateFilterExpression&lt;TEntity&gt;()
            if (typeof(IMustHaveProgramme).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TEntity)))
                    Expression&lt;Func&lt;TEntity, bool&gt;> progFilter = p => !CurrentIsBroker || !IsMustHaveProgrammeFilterEnabled
                    || ((IMustHaveProgramme)p).Programme.Brokers.Any(b => b.BrokerId == this.CurrentTenantId && b.Status != BrokerAppointmentStatus.BrokerWithdrawn);

                    Expression&lt;Func&lt;TEntity, bool&gt;> buyerExpr = p => !CurrentIsBuyer || !IsMustHaveProgrammeFilterEnabled
                    || (((IMustHaveProgramme)p).Programme.ProtectionBuyerId == this.CurrentTenantId);
                    progFilter = progFilter == null ? buyerExpr : CombineExpressions(progFilter, buyerExpr);

                    Expression&lt;Func&lt;TEntity, bool&gt;> sellerExpr = p => !CurrentIsSeller || !IsMustHaveProgrammeFilterEnabled
                    || ((IMustHaveProgramme)p).Programme.AccessRequests.Any(a => a.AccessStatus.Status == ApprovalStatus.Approved && a.TenantId == this.CurrentTenantId);
                    progFilter = progFilter == null ? sellerExpr : CombineExpressions(progFilter, sellerExpr);

                    expression = expression == null ? progFilter : CombineExpressions(expression, progFilter);

and in core module - PreInitialize

Configuration.UnitOfWork.RegisterFilter(ReinsuranceConst.IMustHaveProgramme, true);

I can also see my filters are enabled and the property values are correctly set when debugging, but the final query doesn't filter.

The 3 properties have the correct value:

The filter is enabled and correctly refelcts in the property in the context:

Is there anything else I need to do that is not included in the documentation?

Many thanks


Code that replicates the issue from a clean demo project sent to [email protected]

I'll see if I can replicate in a demo project and send you the code.


No - the issue lies in step 3. the rest is just to show the issue. using wrap around div with classname, e.g. <div class class="par-wrapper">...<div> and then .par-wrapper { display: ... } solves it, but I know other components also set the body, e.g. select-edition-component.less, so these components changing the body all have a risk of breaking the overall layout once navigating away from them.

Don't know if this is metronic problem or not, but the workaround is simple enough in my case

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