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Thank you! It solved my issue. There is a fake password record. I just deleted it, and the error gone.

However, I realized my SMTP not working on v4.5. It worked on v4.0, and I've never changed the settings since then. After some try-and-see, I think the v4.5 does not support "Anonymous Access". I have to uncheck this option in the IIS SMTP Authentication section. But, if I use "Basic Authentication" option in SMTP, I always get "AuthenticationInvalidCredentials: 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful" exception, no matter what credentials I enter. My SMTP stores a credential in "Outbound Security", but it seems not working with aspnet zero.

The only working way is using "Integrated Windows Authentication" option to access SMTP in IIS and use a domain administrator's credential in aspnet zero. It is not good however. The domain administrator's credential should not be exposed to any other people.

Can you suggest me how do you set your SMTP in IIS and aspnet zero?

Thanks again!

Thank you for your instruction! I tested but not working. :( The accessToken I got seems not similar as your example. It is much shorter like: 7b50e0e9-7415-46d2-b2b1-14b3969e5ddd :roll:

On my test html page, I make a link to direct the login request on admin site: <a href="adminSite/account/login??ss=true&returnUrl=userSite/home">Login</a>

When I click "Login" and log on the admin site, I get the url as below: <a class="postlink" href="http://localhost:4200/settings?accessToken=7b50e0e9-7415-46d2-b2b1-14b3969e5ddd&userId=Mg%3D%3D&tenantId=MQ%3D%3D">http://localhost:4200/settings?accessTo ... d=MQ%3D%3D</a>

I use the accessToken 7b50e0e9-7415-46d2-b2b1-14b3969e5ddd to test on postman header: [{"key":"Authorization","value":"Bearer 7b50e0e9-7415-46d2-b2b1-14b3969e5ddd","description":""}]

I got the error result: { "result": null, "targetUrl": null, "success": false, "error": { "code": 0, "message": "Current user did not login to the application!", "details": null, "validationErrors": null }, "unAuthorizedRequest": true, "__abp": true }

Please advise.

Ok, I am using the current approach and accept the url parameters. I tested with a simple HTML page, and get the accessToken, userId, and tenantId. Now, I need to call APIs (e.g. /api/services/app/Session/GetCurrentLoginInformations, and so on). Shall I include these parameters (accessToken, userId, and tenantId) into the HTTP header as key-value pairs? :?: If so, I just wonder how to name the corresponding "Keys"? :?:

Please advise.


I've tried your suggestion and all workarounds in the link <a class="postlink" href=""></a>, but no luck.

I agree with you, "it seems like primeNg does not support moment for calendar yet directly."

I think I have to use Metronic calendar component for now, but I couldn't find its API document on Metronic's web site. Can you provide me a link to it?


I use primeNg datatable's inline edit feature (see below code p-Template="editor"):

<p-column field="startDate" header="Start" [sortable]="true" [editable]="true" [style]="{'width':'120px'}">
                    <ng-template let-col let-cus="rowData" pTemplate="body">
                        <span>{{cus[col.field] | date: 'MM/dd/yyyy'}}</span>
                    <ng-template let-col let-cus="rowData" pTemplate="editor">
                        <p-calendar [(ngModel)]="cus[col.field]" appendTo="body"></p-calendar>

It does the trick! Thanks!

Thank you ismcagdas! This answer is very informative. There are two WhereIf extensions in Abp assembly:

Abp.Collections.Extensions.EnumerableExtensions.WhereIf<T>(), which is type of IEnumerable<T>; and Abp.Linq.Extensions.QueryableExtensions.WhereIf<T>(), which is type of IQueryable<T>.

I should use IQueryable<T> WhereIf(), but carelessly selected "using Abp.Collections.Extensions;" because it is on top of intelligence popup in VS.

Hope this experience is useful for other subscribers.

BTW, as I mentioned on my last post, there are 48 updates are waiting in the NuGet list in my VS, most of them are Abp 3.0.0. Shall I update them from current Abp 2.3.0 in my AspNetZero v 4.4.0?

Thanks again!

Thank you for clarification! I searched online as your suggestion, but it seems no easy workaround so far. The "Include" extension can only work in simple typical cases. I have to remove it from my application for now, and hope the ef core improves this feature soon.

Thanks again!

It is not the issue on my code only. You may try built-in APIs (e.g. /api/services/app/DemoUiComponents/GetCountries) on swagger UI or Postman. You may always see Response Code of 404.

In this scenario, it should throw out a 403 code, because I don't pass the authentication, I think.

I found the discrepancy. Your above code states the WhereIf() is type of IQueryable<T>, but in my package (Core + Angular 4.4.0), it is IEnumerable<T>. It is in Assembly Abp, version

I thought the new AspNetZero version was updated. Shall I manually update the whole solution by NuGet every time to use a new version? :?: If so, it is not a big deal for me.

As I experienced before, the NuGet updating sometimes break your package/sample code. I just checked the version 4.4.0 in my VS2017, and there are 48 updates are waiting in the NuGet list, including Abp, Microsoft, xunit, and some other 3rd parties. Can you advise me which one I need to update?


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