Can i know how to use the settingsmanager in a static method?
Thanks for the response. I will change accordingly and test.
Both the ways did not work.
Below is the unit testing code,
var mockBusinessDomainService = new Mock<IBusinessDomainService>();
mockBusinessDomainService.Setup(b => b.GetBusinessFromUser(It.IsAny<long>()))
.ReturnsAsync(new Business.Business
BusinessName = "Test Business",
SubscriptionStatus = Enums.SubscriptionStatus.Subscribed.ToString()
mockBusinessDomainService.Setup(b => b.UpdateBusiness(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<Business.Business>()))
.ReturnsAsync(new Business.Business
BusinessName = "Test Business",
SubscriptionStatus = Enums.SubscriptionStatus.UnSubscribed.ToString()
IBusinessAppService _businessAppService = new BusinessAppService(
Task t = _businessAppService.CancelSubscription();
Below is part of the method,
//check for user
long userId = AbpSession.UserId.GetValueOrDefault();
if (userId == 0)
throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();
The user id is always 0. That is the problem.
AbpSession.UserId is null when running unit tests. Is there a way i can set the user id in the unit test? I am mocking my App service for testing
Solved the issue. It seemed that my wrokspace solution was corrupted somehow. taking a fresh copy to a different location solved the issue.
I have a App service which was working fine earlier. However when i try to invoke a method in the app service now it throws a 500 internal server error. I set a debug point in the method but it is not hitting. I then set a debug point at the constructor level but still even that is not hit.
Is there a place when the error is logged so that i can trouble shoot the issue?
Thanks. I implemented a NullSendGridEmailSender and it worked.
Is there any examples of such implementation i can refer to?
When I run the unit tests i see that the Should_Register unit test in AccountAppService_Tests fails. When troubleshooting the issue as to why it is failing, i figured out that it is failing when trying to send the email avtivation link,
await _userEmailer.SendEmailActivationLinkAsync(user, emailActivationLink);
I see that the IEmailSender is assigned NullEmailSender if in debug mode in the Core module,
if (DebugHelper.IsDebug) { //Disabling email sending in debug mode Configuration.ReplaceService<IEmailSender, NullEmailSender>(DependencyLifeStyle.Transient); }
I have implemented a interface ISendGridEmailSender which sends emails using sendgrid. While debugging i see that sending the activation link uses this service. That why the unit test is failing.
I tried to assign the NullEmailSender to the implemented ISendGridEmailSender as follows,
Configuration.ReplaceService<ISendGridEmailSender, NullEmailSender>(DependencyLifeStyle.Transient);
This gives an error stating that there is no implicit reference conversion between the two. How can I passing the NullEmailSender to the interface i have implemened and get the unit test to pass?
Thanks aaron for ths support.