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Is there a link to the hangfire url from the angular application?


no erros in console. the Admin user alreday has the permission Pages_Administration_HangfireDashboard.

So when i directly go to the below link,


how does the user be authenticated to the dashboard since there is no prompt for any username and password?


I have enabled this. But i cannot navigate to the dashboard.


It says that site cannot be reached. However if i use the below line,


the dashboard loads. How can i authorize a user into the dashboard?


Can you please let me know how to navigate from the angular UI to hangfire dashboard?


I have updated Iconize and Iconize.FontAwsome plugin to v 3.5 by following

but my iOS app does not show icons but shows the test of the icon. ex : "fas-eye"

Android application works fine with icons.

Can I know what is the issue there ?

I am using single database. so i think i will not run into a problem.

Thanks All for the support.

I managed to get this to work. I disabled the filters in the unit of work manager. Then it returned the user.

_unitOfWorkManager.Current.DisableFilter("MayHaveTenant", "MustHaveTenant"); //get the tenant id for the payment User user = await _userManager.Users.Where(u=>u.Id == payment.Loan.UserId).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

Please let me know any issues in the above solution.


I got the code to work partially. i was able to set the tenant using the _abpSession.Use(2, null) hardcoding 2 as the tenant id for debugging. and it worked.

I can get the Tenant id from the User table. The Payment entity has a loan mapped to it. The Loan has the User. So now when i want to get the user using usermanager, since it is outside the unit of work manager (i guess), I am getting a error stating that the user id is not found. But user id is available in the table.

//get the tenant id for the payment User user = await _userManager.GetUserByIdAsync(payment.Loan.UserId);

Is there a way i can include the User as well when i am getting the payment detiails. There is a navigation property to User table from the loan object.

Payment -> Loan -> User

Any help is highly appriciated.

[UnitOfWork] public virtual async Task SendDeviceUnlockNotification() { try { //get the device unlock requests from the db IList<Payment> payments = _paymentRepository.GetAllIncluding(p => p.Loan).Where(p => p.DeviceUnlockStatus == "Requested").ToList(); //loop through the payments and check the device unlock status foreach (Payment payment in payments) { //get the tenant id for the payment User user = await _userManager.GetUserByIdAsync(payment.Loan.UserId);

                using (_abpSession.Use(user.TenantId, null))
                    using (_unitOfWorkManager.Current.SetTenantId(_abpSession.TenantId))
                        string status = await _passtimeDomainService.GetDeviceStatus(payment.Loan.VIN);
                        if (status.ToLower() == "enabled")
                            //update the device unlock status
                            payment.DeviceUnlockStatus = "Unlocked";
                            await _paymentRepository.UpdateAsync(payment);

                            //send push notification
                            NotificationData notificationData = new NotificationData
                                UserName = user.UserName,
                                Name = "Vehicle Unlocked Notification",
                                Title = "Vehicle Unlocked",
                                Body = "Your vehicle has been unlocked"
                            await _appCentre.NotifyAsync(notificationData);

        catch (Exception ex)
            //log any exception

Yes there is a setting. still the setting is not returned

I hardcoded the tenant id for testing as below,


but still the setting value is empty.

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