Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "gpcaretti"



  1. I set the TenantId to 1 and seeding in MyAppTestBase:
//Seed initial data for default tenant
            AbpSession.TenantId = 1;
            UsingDbContext(context =>
                new TenantRoleAndUserBuilder(context, AbpSession.GetTenantId()).Create();
                new DefaultTenantBusinessDataCreator(context, AbpSession.GetTenantId()).Create(20); // Gp - create app business data               

It is you original code. My code is just the last line (// Gp ...)

  1. REProperties entity implements IMustHaveTenant

TenantId is correctly 1, when I extract it from DB:

PropertyForSale pfs = null;
            await UsingDbContextAsync(async context => {
                pfs = await context.REProperties.OfType<PropertyForSale>()
                                .Include(p => p.Owner)
                                .Include(p => p.Solicitor)
                                .Include(p => p.ZipCode)
                                .Include(p => p.City)
                                .Include(p => p.Attachments)
                                .Include(p => p.SaleAgreement)

But when I execute the line

_myRepository.FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.Id == pfsId)


AbpSession.TenantId = 1;
         . . .
       _myRepository.FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.Id == pfsId)

it returns nothing.

even the code _myRepository.GetAllList() returns an empty list.

  1. Yes I did :-(

This is the same issue I have with tenant data.

All my tests running on non-tenant data works, but when I call the AppService working on tenant data it always return 0.

I tried to disable filters, set the correct tenant Id without success.

This is the test

public async Task GetShowCase_Test() {
            // I call the DB just to be sure the query returns the correct # of items (16)
            IList<PropertyForSale> dbShowCase = null;
            await UsingDbContextAsync(async context => {
                dbShowCase = await context.REProperties.OfType<PropertyForSale>()
                                        .Include(p => p.SaleAgreement)
                                        .Where(p => p.SaleAgreement == null)

            var input = new GetPfsShowCaseInput {
                MaxResultCount = 100,
                SkipCount = 0

            var output = await _pfsAppService.GetShowCase(input);
            output.Items.Count.ShouldBeGreaterThan(0);  // this fails as items are 0!

This is the service method that works when I run it normally

public async Task<GetPfsShowCaseOutput> GetShowCase(GetPfsShowCaseInput input) {
                // this returns 0 tiems during unit test
                var items = _propertiesManager.GetShowCase(input.SkipCount, input.MaxResultCount, input.Sorting);
                return new GetPfsShowCaseOutput {
                    Items = items.MapTo<ReadOnlyCollection<PropertyForSaleDto>>()

And this is the Repository code:

public IQueryable<PropertyForSale> GetShowCase(int skipCount, int maxResultCount, string sorting = null) {
            var query = GetAll()
                .Where(p => (p.ShowOnline && (p.SaleAgreement == null)));

            // sorting and paging
            query = query
                .OrderByDescending(p => p.ShowOnlineDate);
            query = query
            return query;

I try to reply by myself hoping some feedback about my solution.

  1. In MyProject.Application project I injected my Automapper custom maps by registering my mapperConfiguration. Note that I directly used the Castle IOC register methods because I did not find any useful registering method for objects in ABP.
[DependsOn(typeof(MyProjectCoreModule), typeof(AbpAutoMapperModule))]
    public class MyProjectApplicationModule : AbpModule
        public override void Initialize()

            // --- MY CODE
            var mapperConfiguration = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => {
                cfg.AddProfile(new MyProjectMapperProfile());  // <= here my custom mapping

            var mapper = mapperConfiguration.CreateMapper();
            // --- MY CODE
  1. I used my mapper as injection in my Application Service:
public class UserAppService : MyNewHouseAppServiceBase, IUserAppService {
        . . .

        public UserAppService(IRepository<User, long> userRepository, AutoMapper.IMapper mapper) {
            . . .

        public async Task<ListResultOutput<UserListDto>> GetUsers() {
                var users = await _userRepository.GetAllListAsync();

                return new ListResultOutput<UserListDto>(
                               // USE THE INJECTED MAPPER

What do you think about this solution?

Tnx gp

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